Porritt Park playground upgrade
Porritt Park sneak preview with Councillor Peter Revell
Porritt Park playground opened to the public
Over 200 people turned out to an opening ceremony of the Thames Porritt Park destination playground on Friday 31 May, where tribute was paid to the philanthropic couple whose sizeable donation made the work on the Destination Playground upgrade possible. Mayor Len Salt thanked all the donors, fundraisers, businesses and organisations who contributed to make the playground happen.
The redesigned playground showcases innovative, colourful play equipment, including a revamped Wakatere boat, hamster wheels, talking tunnels, a climbing tower and lookout, an accessible see-saw and carousel, and new barbeque and picnic areas.
After entering a colouring competition featuring a picture of the Wakatere boat and the distinctive lighthouse tower, seven-year-old Anika of Pārāwai School (pictured below) was chosen to have the honour of being the first child to play on a piece of playground equipment. Invited children from all of Thames’ primary schools who’d entered the colouring competition quickly followed suit.

The upgrade to Porritt Park allows the space to be a gathering place for whānau to spend the whole day, enjoying the barbecues, extra seating and more challenging play equipment. The greatly enhanced facilities reflect the history of the area, including incorporating concepts such as the original Wakatere boat. Some of the soft-fall areas under the play equipment have designs incorporating concepts kindly provided by local iwi Ngāti Maru. School children contributed their imaginative vision of what they wanted for the new Destination Playground though an art competition and ideas sessions at local primary schools.
The Porritt Park Project is a collaborative initiative between our Council, Thames Business Association, Ngāti Maru, Future Landscapes (the designers), Changing Places and Rotary Charitable Trust.

Community fundraising is still underway for the 'Changing Places' toilet and a basketball half court. To contribute, please email porrittparkproject@gmail.com or download the flyer,(PDF, 861KB) which has all the information on how to make your donation. Alternatively, drop a donation into a collection jar at Thames Council office reception.
Thames Business Association's project page also has details of the project: https://www.tba.nz/porritt-park-project