Thames Airfield


About Thames

Thames is a historical New Zealand town situated between the calm waters of the Firth of Thames and the Coromandel ranges. Thames is a great place to base yourself when visiting the Coromandel Peninsula with most places within 1 to 1.5 hours drive from the township.

Owner and Operator

Thames-Coromandel District Council is the owner and operator of the Airfield. For further information call us on (07) 868 0200 or email us.

The aerodrome is available for general use.

Airfield landing fees

Check out the current fees here.

Payment options for landing fees:

  1. Honesty box on site
  2. By internet banking - Bank account 01-0455-0090620-00. Particulars - enter six zeroes followed by the plane's three-letter registration. Code - your surname. Reference - Thames
  3. Scan QR code and follow the prompts to make payment.

General Operations

From time to time NOTAMS are issued for the airfield, please check before flying.

Fuel - Air BP: Jet A1, Avgas 100. Access via fuelcard

Download the aerodrome chart here.

  1. Take-off RWY 05 — Turn right as soon as practical.
  2. Aircraft movements restricted to runways and taxiways only.
  3. Sharp edged tailskids prohibited.
  4. CAUTION: Road and telephone lines to east of aerodrome. Downdraughts and turbulence in N and NE wind conditions.
  5. Intensive gliding operations may take place particularly during weekends and public holidays.
  6. CAUTION: Bird hazard at all times, particularly 2 hours either side of high tide from January to April by roosting Pied Oystercatchers on all RWYs.
  7. Surface soft after heavy rain and in winter.
  8. Skydiving operations may take place at any time.
  9. CAUTION: Commercial helicopter operations.
  10. Microlight aircraft parking on north side of hangar.


Radio frequency: 124.5

S 37 09 24 E 175 33 01*

Emergency Procedures

Rescue Fire
Call 111 in the event of any emergency.

Incident and Accident Procedure
In the event of an accident or incident at the Thames Airfield, all media requests for information or comment should be referred to the Thames-Coromandel District Council or to the CAA.

Report an accident - 0508 ACCIDENT (0508 222 433)

Report other safety concerns - 0508 4SAFETY (0508 472 338)

If required, you may contact the Civil Aviation Authority by email or write, fax or call:
The Civil Aviation Authority of New Zealand
Aviation House
1 Market Grove
PO Box 31 441
Lower Hutt
New Zealand

Phone : 04 560 9400
Fax : 04 569 2024