Next date: Friday, 28 March 2025 | 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Looking for a Justice of the Peace? We'll have one at Tairua Library on Fridays between 11am and 12pm who can help you. Duties performed by JPs include witnessing signatures on documents, certifying copies of documents, and completing declarations (including statutory declarations), affidavits or affirmations. Stop by Tairua Library any time between 11am and 12pm - there's no need to book.
Tairua Library, 2 Manaia Rd, Tairua/Pāuanui, 3508, View Map
2 Manaia Rd , Tairua/Pāuanui 3508
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This event occurs every 1 week(s) on Friday for 37 times.