Community Service Awards

Nominations are now CLOSED for the Community Service Awards 2024.
Our Community Service Awards is a way of giving some well-deserved recognition to unsung heroes of our communities.
Throughout our District, there are many people who work quietly away at making our communities better places to live, often with little recognition and no pay.
Know someone who deserves to be honoured for their hard work? Nominations are now CLOSED for the Community Service Awards 2024.
Rules for consideration of presentation of the Thames-Coromandel District Council Community Service Awards:
• To be eligible for presentation of this Award, a nominee shall meet the following criteria:
• A nominee must be a resident or ratepayer in the district at the time the services were rendered.
• The services for which the nominee is recommended must be related to activity within the Thames-Coromandel District, or activity directly benefiting the Thames-Coromandel District.
• An Award may recognise outstanding long-Term service to a community organisation(s); or
• Any other activity or action which is considered worthy of award by the Community Board.
Awards will be granted:
• At a rate of up to two Community Service awards per Board on a two-yearly basis.
• After consideration by the Community Board of each ward charged to investigate the circumstances of the nomination.
• Awards ceremony to be held at the Community Board meetings in October.