Biosolids Compost Project The bio-solid composter unit that's been trialing production of grade Aa compost was closed down in October 2017.
Historic Kopu Bridge Project In March 2018 New Zealand Transport Agency [NZTA] handed over the maintenance and financial responsibility of the bridge to the Kopu Bridge and Community Trust.
Manaia Causeway and Graham's Creek Flood Works In December 2015 we completed the Manaia Causeway Bridge extension on time and under budget. Over summer 2016-17 the Regional Council completed stopbank measures so this project is now complete.
Pauanui Aquifer Reconfiguration Project Learn more about the Pauanui Aquifer Reconfiguration project and FAQs
Royal Billy Point (Pauanui) Since the new Royal Billy Point boat ramp at Pauanui opened over Labour Weekend 2019, it's been getting well used by recreational boaties.
Sir Keith Park Statue Sir Keith Park led Britain’s main air defence forces against Germany’s Luftwaffe during the Battle of Britain in World War II, saving the country from a looming land invasion, and now he has been memorialised with a bronze statue in his hometown – Thames.