In 2014-2015 we set aside $620,000 in our Annual Plan towards upgrading the Manaia Rd causeway bridge, while the Waikato Regional Council set aside $600,000 towards flood management improvements around Graham's Creek.
In November 2014 our Council approved and extra $300,000 to extend the bridge at the Manaia Rd Causeway. This will come from Tairua's stormwater depreciation reserves and a loan. The extension by 16m will help keep the road open during flooding and allow floodwater to drain more easily when combined with floodway improvement works done by WRC, which includes stopbanks, re-contouring the floodplain to form a floodway and creek channel works. Both pieces of work need to be done in tandem for a successful outcome.
While our Council will undertake the causeway bridge upgrade, the Regional Council WRC's will be responsible for floodway and stopbank construction. After that there will be restoration planting in the area which will be completely finished in 2017. Some 12,000 plants may be put into the ground and community volunteers will be asked to help