Tararu Water Improvements

  • Project typeWatermains
  • Project value$500,000
  • Project schedule2013 - July 2015
  • Contractor nameHEB Construcrtion

Blue snakes Arts Society

Work on stage two of the Tararu Water project was completed.

We've replaced 1,250m of the water main that runs from Thames to Tararu, along with 280m of sewer main and some stormwater drains.

Footpath repair necessitated by these works was  reinstated in July with an improved and slightly wider version.

We had a couple of delays due to the ground conditions and existing services that were not shown accurately on our records and most recently the weather created extra delays for our footpath reinstatement.

We now have more reliable water service into Tararu with improved firefighting capacity.


What the work entailed

Over four months, we worked on the water main that runs from Dickson Street to the Tararu Cultural Centre. 

A part of this, a 300m stretch of footpath from Thames to Tararu, was dug up.

However, even though the water main was under the footpath and not the road, there were also a few weeks when the road was down to one lane because we needed a buffer safety zone for workers and equipment. A lot of factors that influenced the timing of that part of the job, such as ground conditions and rock under the footpath.

We also made sure pedestrian access was maintained even when we closed sections of footpath, and while we were at it, we used this time to replace the narrower stretch of footpath with a wider one.


The project was worth just over $500,000 and the contract was awarded to HEB Construction. 

Of course, this project was bigger than just that 300m stretch of footpath.

Work also involved the renewal of 1250m of watermain on Tararu Road / state highway between Dickson Street (Moanataiari) and the Tararu Cultural Centre.

Blue snakes and contractor trucks

Technical notes from the Water Services team

This project was to improve the water supply and firefighting capacity in the Tararu area. Stage one of this project was completed in 2013.

The April-July 2015 works were stage two of the project, replacing a watermain that reached the end of its life.

Works involved the renewal of 1250m of watermain on Tararu Road / State Highway between Dickson Street (Moanataiari) and the Tararu Cultural Centre. In addition to the watermain replacement, the works included the replacement of 300m of wastewater rising main, and the footpath. The existing wastewater and watermain were under the footpath, so 300m length of footpath needed to be removed to install the new pipelines on a narrow section of Tararu Road / State Highway.

The opportunity was taken to replace this narrow section of footpath at a wider width. Work took the full expected four months to complete the full length from Dickson Street to the Tararu Cultural Centre.




From Dickson Street to Tararu Cultural Centre, Tararu Road,  3500  View Map

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