Coromandel Harbour Facilities Project

Harbour facilities around the Coromandel need to be upgraded as we prepare for higher visitor numbers and increased usage of wharf and boat ramp facilities by both recreational and commercial users. Developing the infrastructure to allow for a fast ferry from Auckland will also have major economic benefits for the entire Coromandel District.

We've got a number of projects on-the-go around the Coromandel Harbour to upgrade our boat ramps and wharves as we prepare for more visitors and growing recreational and commercial use.

Expanding and improving our harbour facilities  in a safe and sustainable manner will help cater for growth in our aquaculture and tourism industries - with significant economic benefits for our district.

Latest updates

Te Ariki Tahi/Sugarloaf Wharf

A $19.95 million investment from the Provincial Growth Fund (PGF) in 2020 will allow for expansion of Te Ariki Tahi/Sugarloaf Wharf and increase mussel farming capacity by almost 20,000 tonnes, bringing additional jobs to the region.

The aquaculture sector in Thames-Coromandel contributes $70 million to the district’s GDP and is responsible for 350 jobs.

Marine and Harbour Facilities Strategy

This was adopted by Council in December 2017.

The Strategy sets out a long-term plan for the boat ramps, wharves and jetties across the District and will help inform our 2018-2028 Long-Term Plan (specifically in relation to our marine and harbour assets and facilities).

It takes into account health and safety, access, growing visitor demand and potential funding partnership opportunities.

The Strategy has an Action Plan, which includes:

  • Prioritising upgrades of facilities from a district-wide perspective
  • Identifying the most appropriate initial and on-going funding mechanism for each facility (user-pays, partnership models).
  • Developing a funding strategy, which creates opportunities for specific investment and joint ventures.
  • Work with private owners, government organisations, iwi to resolve and clarify ownership and consenting anomalies in relation to existing facilities.
  • Work with interested parties on appropriate marine/habour development at Coromandel Harbour

You can read the Marine and Harbour Facilities Strategy here.