Local Government and the Settlement
As outlined in the signed Framework Agreement, Local Government has an important role to play in the Treaty Settlement process and post-settlement.
Some of the issues and opportunities that will be explored are:
- Co-governance structures for the management of certain parts of the region (this includes not just territorial authorities, but for Waikato Regional Council and the Department of Conservation).
- The Hauraki Collective or the ensuing governance structure will own substantial resources and land on the Coromandel (around 10%) and are therefore an important stakeholder for processes like the District Plan Review and economic development opportunities in the District.
- More formalisation of relations using such instructments as a "Memorandum of Understanding" with Councils, which more clearly define things like cultural protocols and consultation processes.
We are working with the Hauraki District Council, Matamata-Piako District Council, Waikato Regional Council and the Department of Conservation to ensure a regional approach is taken in negotations with the Hauraki Collective and the Office of Treaty Settlements.
Settlement Constraints
- No impact on private property rights (includes Council)
- Minimise impact on private interests
- Local authority decision making protected
- Avoid creating new grievance with other iwi
- Local government to retain final RMA & LGA decision making
- Greater involvement of iwi in natural resources decision making: co-governance
Post-Settlement Governance Structures
An important objective, as outlined in the Hauraki Collectives business plan, is to establish governance structures to manage the ongoing assets and resources of the Hauraki iwi post-settlement.
Other iwi such as Ngai Tahu and Tainui have established commercial holding companies to grow wealth and investments for the iwi.
The governance structures (post-settlement) are still to be determined by the Hauraki Collective, if other case studies around New Zealand can be extrapolated to this region, then there are positive opportunities for our District to explore private-public sector partnerships to continue to grow the local economy, as well the private sector gaining access to capital for development not seen in the District before.
There are many examples of iwi/pubic and private sector partnerships which have happened as a result of Treaty Settlements as well as creation of new tourism-related businesses.
- Tainui have created substantial investments in local and national infrastructure, such as power stations, teritary institutions and in the dairy industry
- The Civic Offices in Christchurch are a joint venture between Ngai Tahu Property Ltd and the Christchurch City Council.
- Ngai Tahu Tourism is a world leader with innovation such as Whale Watch in Kaikoura and the Shotover jet brand.