Update August 2024
Ariki Tahi Sugarloaf wharf upgrade to begin late 2024
The $21.95 million upgrade to increase commercial berths and create a separated recreational facility at Ariki Tahi Sugarloaf wharf is set to begin in late 2024, supporting the aquaculture industry’s growth strategy.
In 2020, $19.95 million was given by central government’s Provincial Growth Fund and $2 million from Waikato Regional Development Fund to support the critical upgrades. Consent was fast-tracked under COVID-19 recovery legislation, surviving a judicial review in the High Court, and granted in January 2024.
In late 2023, Ariki Tahi Sugarloaf Wharf Limited (ATSWL) Board tendered the design and construction of the wharf upgrade and awarded the work to a consortium headed by McConnel Dowell. McConnel Dowell and their design partners are currently working on the first stage of the design, which will separate recreational and commercial activities and increase the wharf’s commercial capacity.
Current design work includes the full scope for future development, and applications for further investment to develop land-side aquaculture activities and roading infrastructure will be prepared using the design and cost outputs later this year.
ATSWL is jointly owned by Thames-Coromandel District Council, Coromandel Marine Farmers Association, and the Crown.
Update February 2024
Finfish farm resource consent granted by Waikato Regional Council
Following the High Court decision in December 2023, which did not uphold an appeal of the project's resource consent by Waipapapa Bay Protection Society, Waikato Regional Council has granted resource consent to Finfish farm to begin developing its facility.
“We’re pleased there’s been a final resolution with the hearing and the focus can now be directed to building the facility. It's a positive opportunity to develop our aquaculture industry, and will have some real benefits for our local economy," says our Mayor Len Salt. "Green Lipped mussel volumes are set to increase significantly, potentially doubling by 2040."
The NZ Government Aquaculture strategy notes that the wharf investment will allow the industry to develop to $100 million in value. Aquaculture produces low cost, low emissions protein, which works in well with the environmental aspirations of the Hauraki Gulf Marine Park Act, which seeks clean, productive water.
Mussel extracts have anti-inflammatory health properties (lyprinol), and added value products, such as pharmaceuticals to support joint heath and function for people and pets, are rapidly growing markets.
"Iwi are a key shareholder in our aquaculture industry, who are thinking intergenerationally, holistically and for the benefit of wider whānau. This aligns with well Council and government wellbeing aspirations, and our desire to see wider socio-economic improvement supported," says Mayor Len.
Update: January 2024
Te Ariki Tahi Sugarloaf Wharf upgrade work to resume
Work on a significant upgrade to Te Ariki Tahi / Sugarloaf Wharf in Coromandel can now resume, following a decision by the High Court.
In a judgment released last month, the court did not uphold an appeal of the project’s resource consent by the Waipapa Bay Protection Society.
Te Ariki Tahi is a shared commercial and recreational wharf facility constructed on reclaimed land at the western end of Waipapa Bay, a short drive from Coromandel Town. It is the primary wharf for the thriving aquaculture industry in the Hauraki Gulf, handling 90 per cent of mussels harvested in the North Island.
The upgrade will double the size of the existing facility to establish five commercial berths and a separate recreation facility with dual boat ramps. It will allow for the continued growth and expansion of the aquaculture industry in the region, as well as provide safer segregation of recreational users from industrial areas. Consent to undertake the upgrade was fast-tracked under COVID-19 recovery legislation.
“We’re hugely relieved to be able to make progress again,” says Andrew Stevens, the independent chair of Ariki Tahi Sugarloaf Wharf Ltd, a joint venture company between Thames-Coromandel District Council, Coromandel Marine Farmers Association and the Crown, which was formed to fund and manage the upgrade.
“The wharf as it stands is over capacity. It’s not at all fit to meet the projected needs of the aquaculture industry, nor of recreational users,” says Mr Stevens. “The key objective of the Crown in funding the wharf was to see regional benefits from continued growth in aquaculture, and we’ll resume to realise that goal.”
He says procurement for initial project components is now underway, along with a re-evaluation of costs impacted by the delay, so a construction programme can be finalised.
The full High Court judgment can be read here.
Update: August 2023
An appeal to the resource consent for the Ariki Tahi Sugarloaf Wharf project had a one-day hearing in the High Court in July 2023. The decision is expected to be notified by the end of December 2023.
Update: April 2023
An appeal to the resource consent for the project is scheduled to proceed to a one-day hearing in the High Court in July 2023, unless some resolution can be reached between the parties before then. Ngaati Whanaunga have subsequently joined that appeal. Our Council and the Coromandel Marine Farming Association have joined in support of Ariki Tahi Sugarloaf Wharf.
Update: July 2022
A fast-track resource consent process is underway to decide whether a $20 million upgrade of Te Ariki Tahi Sugarloaf Wharf in Coromandel will go ahead.
If approved, the build will see the wharf platform extended and raised to account for sea-level rise. There will be four new berths for increased aquaculture activity and a separate facility for launching recreational boats.
The fast-track process has seen the Environmental Protection Authority appoint an Expert Consenting Panel to consider and determine the application.
A progress report on Te Ariki Tahi Sugarloaf Wharf's application can be found here.
Update: May 2022
An application to submit a resource consent application through the government’s fast track process, to upgrade Te Ariki Tahi Sugarloaf Wharf, has now been granted.
The next steps in that fast-track process is submitting the resource consent application to the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA). The EPA will then review the application before recommending whether it then be considered by an independent expert panel, made up of RMA commissioners who will either approve or decline the consent.
The fast-track process takes several months.
The proposed design

The vision for the future look of the area:
The Funding & Ownership of ASTWL
The wharf will be owned by a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) which will be a new company to be incorporated. The consent, design, and construction is funded by the Provincial Growth Fund (PGF) with some co-funding from WRC. The SPV called Ariki Tahi Sugarloaf Wharf Limited (ATSWL) is owned jointly by the Crown, CMFA, and our Council at one third each.
- That Sugarloaf needs to be expanded for the future
- That the facility needs to be professionally managed by our Council in a way that best meets the needs of industry
- That recreational users will continue to have a facility
Why should I support the redevelopment of the wharf?
It will better cater for the larger more modern vessels, provide wharf capacity for industry growth, reduce current health and safety issues and based on recent delay analysis increase productivity / efficiency of users operations and provide resilience for future sea level rises. There will also be better segregation of use between commercial and recreational users.
Who will own the wharf?
The wharf will be owned by a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) which will be a new company to be incorporated.