Aquaculture investment

The Coromandel is poised to play a key role in seeing New Zealand’s aquaculture industry become a $3 billion business by 2035.

Producing 26 per cent of the country’s mussels and 23 per cent of oysters, we can help meet the world’s demand for sustainable food protein. The aquaculture sector also supports thriving sectors in food, hospitality, education, marine science and innovation.

The Waikato Regional Aquaculture Strategy sets out a path to double export growth by 2044. The Coromandel’s world-class operations will be a key factor in achieving this growth.


Take a look at our document Investing In Coromandel Aquaculture And Marine Infrastructure to learn about the opportunities aquaculture in the Coromandel presents for the district, investors, and New Zealand.  

Proposed projects could see the Coromandel:

  • raise local mussel production by 70%
  • establish New Zealand’s first ocean kingfish farm
  • lift aquaculture exports by more than $100 million per year
  • enable hundreds of jobs
  • unlock billions in economic benefit


Opportunities for investment around our district are wide-ranging.

Kōpū Marine Servicing and Business Precinct: The newly completed 80m commercial wharf, floating pontoon, unsealed haul-out and reinforced slipway is set to boost marine and aquaculture activities across the upper North Island.

Te Ariki Tahi Sugarloaf Wharf Development: Te Ariki Tahi is the only all-tide wharf facility on the eastern side of the Hauraki Gulf close to consented space. Its redevelopment will help unlock industry growth, increasing capacity to land, process and transport thousands of tonnes produced from fin fish farming, mussel farming,and other aquaculture operations.

Fin fish farm: In 2023, Pare Hauraki Kaimoana were granted resource consents to establish a 300-hectare finfish farm in the Coromandel Marine Farming Zone. This consented space is set to be the first ocean kingfish farm in New Zealand. Fin fish farming presents a step change in the economics of the country's aquaculture, with revenue per hectare orders of greater magnitude than shellfish farming.

Mussel spat supply: Diversifying and expanding the supply of spat for the Green Lipped Mussel industry is critical to enable this sector to thrive and meet the Government’s aim to boost Greenshell Mussel earnings to $1 billion per year by 2035. Several spat retention projects are posed in the region to support industry resilience.

Seaweed Ocean Farming Pilot: The Coromandel is home to New Zealand first, three-year regenerative ocean farming pilot – GreenWave Aotearoa. The $5 million pilot is focused on creating an economically viable seed-to-harvest model for seaweed farming in New Zealand.

Land-based Ulva Cultivation: AgriSea’s world first diffuse source land-based trial of Ulva (green seaweed) cultivation is based 6km north of the Kōpū Business and Marine Servicing Precinct near Thames.

Oyster farming: The Coromandel has around 70 hectares of traditional oyster farms that have sustainably and successfully operated for the last 50 years. New technology presents a significant opportunity for the sector – with the implementation of semi-automated systems using surface longlines and floating baskets.

What support is required

To realise their potential, these projects would benefit from:

  • capital investment
  • enabling infrastructure such as wharves, roads, and land-side activities
  • investment in research and development
  • support in consenting processes, including streamlining
  • reduced regulatory barriers
Find out more in Investing In Coromandel Aquaculture And Marine Infrastructure