Economic Data
The Coromandel Peninsula is a fantastic place to visit or live. White sand beaches, a warm climate, close to the main centres and surrounded by native flora and fauna - there's a place for everyone on the Coromandel.
On this page you'll find all you need to know about our district, the local economy, and our plans to create an even better environment to retain and attract families, retirees, holiday-makers, visitors, investors, and businesses to the Coromandel.
Social and economic insights and reports
Infometrics Regional Economic Profile for the Thames-Coromandel District
This tool provides in-depth data on the district's economy, employment and skills, businesses, tourism sector, population, environment, income and housing, and wellbeing.
The public profile is free to access courtesy of our Council. Explore and compare the Thames-Coromandel to other districts and regions, assess trends over time, and download reports and infographics.
View online
Infometrics Quarterly Economic Monitor for the Thames-Coromandel District
This tool provides quarterly updates covering key economic, labour market, housing and social data for the Thames-Coromandel District.
The public profile is free to access courtesy of our Council.
View online
Download the latest quarterly report
Statistics NZ - Place and ethnic group summaries - Thames-Coromandel
This dashboard provides a summary of statistics from the 2023 New Zealand Census. Learn key numbers such as population size, median age, and median income for Thames-Coromandel District, and how these compare with New Zealand.
View online
Infographics that capture the district at a glance
Below are infographics recently produced by our Economic Development team. They capture key social and economic insights about the district.
Our District at a glance
Thames-Coromandel as a village of 100 people
Workforce in the Thames-Coromandel
Below are reports produced or commissioned by our Economic Development team that help us understand the workforce in the district.
Key insights include: local jobs matter, an estimated 1,000 residents seek employment at any one time, the district's self-employment rate is double the national rate, and a higher proportion of the workforce is also working part-time. The district's workforce is also highly influenced by population demographics.
Maintaining and growing our workforce is dependent on strengthening businesses and sectors with employment opportunities, and attracting workers to our district, which underscores the need for investment in good infrastructure, housing, and access to services.
Job creation among businesses in the Thames-Coromandel (2022)
Understanding our workforce Thames-Coromandel District (2024)
Housing in the Thames-Coromandel
Information on the state of housing in the district can be found in the above sources from Infometrics and Statistics NZ, and below from reports to Council, and public dashboards. These sources provide a picture of housing availability, quality, and affordability in the district.
The State of Housing in the Thames-Coromandel District (2024)
Thames-Coromandel District Housing Stocktake (2019)
Waikato Housing Initiative - Housing Dashboard
Tourism and peak population data
The Thames-Coromandel is a popular place to visit, particularly during summer. Large influxes of visitors and holiday-makers see our usually resident population of 34,000, triple at the 'peak' of summer.
To monitor and plan for the impact that the summer population has on existing and future infrastructure and services we undertake periodic peak population studies. These are linked below.
Broader tourism insights can be found in the above sources from Infometrics (see tourism expenditure, tourism GDP, and tourism employment). MBIE's Tourism and Evidence and Insights Centre also provides data on tourism in New Zealand, including guest night figures, visitor spending data, international travel movements and international visitor trends. Our Regional Tourism Operator, Destination Hauraki Coromandel, also provides industry updates and local visitor insights.
Peak population studies: 2022-23 (latest), 2020-21, 2017-18, 2009-10, Summary 2009-10, Summary 2007-08, 2003-04
Tourism Evidence and Insights Centre (MBIE)
Industry updates from Destination Hauraki Coromandel
The Long Term Plan
Our Long Term Plan is the document which sets out Council's vision, objectives and work programme for the next 10 years, with a detailed focus on the first three years. The Long Term Plan is redrawn every three years. Many of the major projects and initiatives focus on economic development outcomes.
Read more about it here.
Our District Plan
The District Plan is a critical document to understand, it tells developers and landowners the sort of things that can be developed.
Our Proposed District Plan was adopted in 2016.
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