Thames Spatial Plan
The Thames and Surrounds Spatial Plan was adopted by Council in September 2022.
Download the Thames and Surrounds Spatial Plan here.(PDF, 16MB)

About the Thames and Surrounds Spatial Plan
Our Thames and Surrounds Spatial Plan, known as Your Thames, Tomorrow, is an evidence-based, future-focused (30-year plus) strategy that outlines an agreed vision and direction for Thames and surrounds.
It will help us plan for future prosperity, identify areas for growth and change, and promote the aspirations of our district's iwi.
The Spatial Plansets out the long-term vision for how, why and where we want Thames and our surrounding areas to grow.
It is an important umbrella project which brings together our efforts to accelerate housing growth for Thames with our critical Shoreline Management work that will help us adapt to the coastal inundation and erosion risks that our district is facing.
Early conversations with iwi, agencies and community and business focus groups have shaped the initial stages of the Plan.
Community feedback guided us in our considerations for land use change, infrastructure development and delivery, environmental management and recognition of cultural values. Across all areas of planning, we are working to improve the four well-beings – social, economic, environmental and cultural – for Thames and surrounding areas.
Supplementary Documents
Thames Spatial Plan Establishment Report
Thames and Surrounds Spatial Plan Economic Business Case Report
The acceleration of options to build more than 1000 homes through new development around Thames is being backed by our Council with the endorsement of the Thames and Surrounds Spatial Plan Strategic and Economic Business Case Report, at its meeting on 4 May 2021.
“Thames is the economic engine that will pull the Coromandel through our loss of tourism revenue due to COVID, but we urgently need new houses so our industries can attract the right workforce and grow,” says Mayor Sandra Goudie. “We’re about to build an $8.2million business and marine precinct in Kōpū, in the Thames ward, which is already struggling to house staff, so our situation is urgent.”
Fewer than 40 new houses a year have been built in Thames over the last decade. The report identified greenfield areas that could be readily serviced with infrastructure for residential development of up to 1000 new homes. The options take into account the potential long-term impacts of climate change and adaptation needs. The areas are in Totara Valley, Matatoki North, Puriri and Kauaeranga Valley.
The report found potential areas in Totara Valley could be serviced to provide housing within the next 12 months. Additional developable land in Matatoki North is strategically located near existing services that could proceed through a plan change process within the next 12-18months. A plan change could also be considered to enable housing within Puriri Village over a 5- 10 year timeframe that would connect to Council’s new Puriri water supply due for completion by 2025.
Thames and Surrounds Spatial Plan Economic Business Case Report(PDF, 250KB)
Thames and Surrounds Spatial Plan Establishment Report
This project was endorsed at the Council meeting on 12 May 2020.
This Plan will help give direction into land use over the next 30-plus years for targeted areas within the Thames ward with the key deliverables being:
- Identifying areas for plan changes,
- Identifying design principles for some areas within the Thames ward,
- Identifying commercial feasibility for the potential to develop new or upgrade existing infrastructure.
The work for the Spatial Plan is district funded out of the Economic Development budget. The next steps in the project will now be setting up stakeholder forums, which will help inform the Plan.
Thames and Surrounds Spatial Plan Establishment Report(PDF, 344KB)