Other Hazards
Biosecurity Threat - Animal & Plant
We all have a responsibility to look out for unusual pests or diseases. There are countless pests and diseases which have the potential to seriously impact on our native biodiversity, our fisheries, farms and forests that support a large percentage of our jobs, service industries and export income. This biosecurity risk cannot be under-estimated.
If you are in an industry that could potentially be affected by a biosecurity threat, make use of the Biosecurity NZ webpage for information and alerts. The Government issues warnings of any biosecurity threat or infiltration.
Terrorism Events
New Zealand's relative isolation means that the likelihood of a terrorist incident is less likely than other places in the world. However, terrorist incidents such as threats or hoaxes do occur. Terrorist attacks happen without warning and usually happen in public places so keep a watch for suspicious behaviour, vehicles or packages.
Visit the WRC Hazard Portal Visit the Get Ready website