Open Space and Community Facilities Strategy

To make sure our Council can make smart decisions now and in the future, we’ve developed an Open Space and Community Facilities Strategy.
Council adopted the Strategy in September 2020.
The Strategy is different from the Reserve Management Plans that were developed for Council’s parks and reserves. Reserve Management Plans are only required for open spaces that are reserves under the Reserves Act 1977, not for all open spaces. Reserve Management Plans are also more focussed on identifying appropriate types of activities for each reserve, and do not provide the overarching strategic direction for Council activities that the Strategy does.
The strategy:
- Directs future Council planning, management and investment so that we can meet current and future demand across the District
- Provides a strategic overview and analysis of Council’s provision of open spaces and community facilities
- Establishes a framework for promoting a consistent approach to the management of the District’s open spaces and community facilities
- Forms the basis for establishing and strengthening community partnerships
- Is responsive to the dispersed nature and changing demographics of communities
- Guides Council decision-making about acquisition and disposal of assets
- Provides a context and framework for development contribution requirements in respect of the District’s open space and community facilities
To read the strategy click here.(PDF, 815KB)