Disaster Relief Fund for Play, Active Recreation and Sport
Applications to the fund closed on 12 June 2023

Fund allocated to support sport & physical activity in our district
Funding has now been allocated for the Thames-Coromandel Disaster Relief Fund for Play, Active Recreation and Sport, with a view to distribute allocated funds shortly.
Organisations and groups in our district could apply to access a share of $60k worth of funding provided by both Sport New Zealand and the Thames-Coromandel Mayoral Relief Fund.
This fund will provide funding support for the delivery of play, active recreation and sport post the recent severe weather events in the area. You can read more about the fund below.
Applications were assessed by a panel which included Thames-Coromandel District Council Councillor Rekha Giri-Percival, Dr. Amy Marfell from Sport Waikato, and Rob Corkill from Sport Waikato on Tuesday 13 June 2023.
“We know that the sport and recreation sector is hurting as a result of storm damage and decreased mobility around our district,” says Rekha Giri-Percival. “These funding contributions will help to restore and rebuild opportunities for residents to be active despite the ongoing challenges in the community.”
The fund received 26 applications in total from a variety of sport and recreation facilities, clubs, and schools in our district.
- 14 applications were awarded totalling $59,255.10.
- 8 applications were denied
- 4 applications will be funded by an alternative fund.
You can view a list of successful applicants here(PDF, 129KB).
About the Fund
The Thames-Coromandel Disaster Relief Fund for Play, Active Recreation and Sport provides funding support for the delivery of play, active recreation and sport post the recent severe weather events in the area.
It is designed to support the communities of the Thames-Coromandel to restore and rebuild opportunities for residents to be active despite the ongoing challenges in the community.
Organisations and groups in our district can apply to access a share of $60k worth of funding provided by both Sport New Zealand and the Thames-Coromandel Mayoral Relief Fund.
Each applicant can be awarded up to $5k.
We welcome applications from those organisations or groups who:
- Are based in the Thames-Coromandel district and require or have required support to repair damaged infrastructure or equipment as a result
of weather-related damage experienced as a result of recent severe weather events
- Are looking to lead new localised sport and recreation opportunities for the people and communities of the Thames Coromandel (e.g. hosting local events, tournaments and fixtures) due to the ongoing closure of SH25A
- Are based in the Thames-Coromandel District and will experience increased travel requirements for the purpose of sport and recreation participation as a result of the ongoing closure of SH25A.
Applications were open from Friday 26 May until Monday 12 June, 4pm.
Applications will be assessed by a panel which includes Thames-Coromandel District Council Councillor Rekha Giri-Percival, Dr. Amy Marfell from Sport Waikato, and Rob Corkill from Sport Waikato. Applications may be weighted against data sources from the area that detail physical activity preferences and barriers.
Assessment will take place on Tuesday 13 June with a view to distribute allocated funds by Thursday 22 June.
Funding criteria
Who can apply?
We welcome applications from the following organisation types (please note, funded entities must have legal status):
- Hapū, Iwi, Marae, Māori organisations
- Incorporated Societies
- Charitable Trusts
- For-profit businesses/commercial organisations and social enterprises
- Education settings:
- Primary/Intermediate schools/Kura
- Secondary schools/Wharekura
- Area Schools
Where an organisation or group wishes to apply but has no legal status, we recommend you consider partnering with a qualifying (legal) entity.
Who cannot apply?
The following are not eligible to apply:
- National and regional organisations who receive Partnership Investment from Sport NZ (Regional Sport Trusts, National Sport and Recreation organisations)
- Individuals
- Professional or semi-professional sports teams and organisations
- Government agencies and their regional branches (e.g. Ministry of Health, Oranga Tamariki)
- Early Learning Services
What can be funded?
This is a fund that is intended to help cover the costs of play, active recreation and sport that are directly associated with the recent weather events and ongoing road closure in the Thames Coromandel District delivery. They could include:
- Repairs to infrastructure and equipment damaged due to slips and flooding associated with the recent weather events in the area (these costs may be retrospective)
- Costs associated with the delivery of new localised sport and recreation opportunities necessitated by the closure of SH25A. This could include:
- Support for volunteers or activity delivery staff
- Equipment (only where this is required as part of a project or activity)
- Officials, where these are required for the delivery of the opportunity
- Costs associated with developing and promoting your activity.
- Costs of transport to events/competitions/fixtures that have increased due to the closure of SH25A
What will not be funded?
The fund does not cover:
- Costs that are not directly required for the provision of the activity that you are applying for (such as salaries or wages for existing staff, administrative overheads etc)
- Costs that are already funded by other sources
- Costs for travel that has already occurred or projects that have already been delivered
- Costs associated with professional athletes, professional sports teams or academies
- Costs associated with professional development or capability building (such as upskilling coaches, teachers etc)
- New facility development, maintenance not necessitated by cyclone-related damage
- Medals, prizes, giveaways, and spot prizes