Coromandel-Colville Ward

The Coromandel-Colville Ward extends from the top-most point of our peninsula, down past Keretā in the south. In this ward, you'll discover beautiful isolated beaches and remote forest trails.


Coromandel-Colville Ward Key Contacts

Margaret Harrison - Coromandel-Colville Area Manager

The job of the Area Manager is to bridge the gap between our Council and the community. You can contact the Area Manager with any matter relating to your ward, dealing with our Council, funding opportunities and more.

07 866 1001
Visit: Coromandel Service Centre, 355 Kapanga Road, Coromandel  

   Coromandel-Colville Community Board

The Coromandel-Colville Community Boards represents this community. They conduct an official meeting six-weekly which includes a public forum.

Click here to view meeting agendas and recordings