Significance and Engagement Policy

The Council is required to have this policy under section 76AA of the Local Government Act 2002 (LGA), which states the purpose of the policy is —

(a)   to enable the local authority and its communities to identify the degree of significance attached to particular issues, proposals, assets, decisions, and activities; and

(b)   to provide clarity about how and when communities can expect to be engaged in decisions about different issues, assets, or other matters; and

(c)   to inform the local authority from the beginning of a decision-making process about—

(i)    the extent of any public engagement that is expected before a particular decision is made; and

(ii)   the form or type of engagement required.

The Council first adopted a Significance and Engagement Policy in 2014.  That policy was reviewed in 2020 and further reviewed in 2023.  Following the review in 2023, an amended policy was adopted on 12 December 2023.

For copies of the previous policies, please email us at to request a copy.