Schedule of Fees and Charges : Parks and Reserves - District

All fees and charges are inclusive of GST.

Parks and Reserves - District Units 2024/2025 
Non Commercial - Event and application Fee for less than 500 people Per application  $66.00
Non Commercial - EventApplication Fee formore than 500 people(daily charge may apply) Per event  $485.00
Commercial - Minor Event (less than 500 people) Application Fee Per application  $66.00
Commercial - Large Event (500 - 1000people) Application Fee Per application  $110.00
Commercial - Major Event (more than 1000 people) Application Fee Per application  $220.00
Commercial - Minor Event (less than 500 people) Event Fee (daily charge may apply) Per event  $460.00
Commercial - Large Event (500 - 1000 people) Event Fee Per event $660.00
Commercial - Major Event (more than 1000 people) Event Fee (daily charge may apply) Per event  $1,320.00
Parks Concessions - All Areas  
Commercial operator - minimum fee per tendered site, one location Per operator/per annum  $385.00
Commercial Operator - operate all year round and in multiple locations (minimum fee per site) Per operator/per annum  $385.00
Commercial operator - start up license for new business ventures Per operator/per annum $385.00
*All Fees are minimum fees, as this is a tendered process, these figures may be higher than posted fees.    
Street Flags  
Street Flags - Commercial Booking fee Per booking  $110.00
Street Flags - Not for profit booking fee Per booking $55.00 
Amusement Devices  
Amusement Device application fee Per event  $16500
Amusement Device - each additional device Per event  $5.50
Non-commercial reserve fees may be waived by Community Facilities Manager if evidence of community benefit is provided  
A bond may be required for any event at the discretion of the Council.