Schedule of Fees and Charges: Roading

All Fees and Charges are GST inclusive. 

Roading Fees Units 2024/2025
Corridor Access Request Application Fees Per application $250.00
Vehicle Crossing Application Fees Approved Contractor $150.00
Vehicle Crossing Application Fees Non-Approved Contractor $300.00
Vehicle crossing remedial works reinspection fees All contractors $1,000.00
Finger Directional Signs Application Fees* Per application $200.00
Abandoned Vehicle Recovery Charge Per Application $1,000.00
Road Stopping ** Fixed Initial Deposit Charge per application $2,000.00
Licence to Occupy Fixed Initial Deposit Charge per application $2,000.00
Commercial Event Traffic Management Plan approval  Per event $300.00
Commercial Event Traffic Management Plan approval Per generic plan per site (once per site or until event format / size changes) $1,000.00
 * excludes sign manufacture and installation costs
Additional Charges:
**An additional charge to recover actual and reasonable costs for the road stopping process will be made where the costs exceed the fixed charge paid.

**Additional charges may be invoiced on a monthly basis as they are incurred.