Council open to all options regarding future of three waters services

Published on 03 September 2024

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Our Council has been discussing with other councils in the Waikato region on what the future of water services arrangements could look like.

At its meeting today, our Council decided that all options should continue to be investigated, ranging from banding together with other councils in a Council-Controlled Organisation (CCO) to deliver water services, or going it alone. Our Council considers it too premature to make a commitment right now on the shape of future service delivery arrangements.

It is a legislative requirement that future water services delivery is separated from other council business and all councils are required to develop a Water Services Delivery Plan on how this will be done.

There is more new water legislation to be enacted, with one new piece of legislation expected by the end of the year and another early next year.

Our Council wants to fully understand the requirements of the new legislation before formulating the most suitable future water services delivery model. The Crown does allow councils to go it alone so long as they can demonstrate that water service revenues, investments and borrowings can be managed in a financially sustainable and ring-fenced manner.

Or, we could look at forming a CCO with other councils to deliver water services.

No matter what the final shape, we’ll be going to the community to find out what people think will work best for them.

For the time being, we’ll develop our Water Services Delivery Plan in accordance with the legislation and Department of Internal Affairs guidance until the options study and community consultation have been completed and then reassess the service delivery model.

Read more in the report to today’s Council meeting

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