When should we be talking to you?

Published on 06 October 2023

Significance and Engagement Policy Consult - WEB.jpg

How does our Council determine when a particular issue, proposal, asset, project, decision or activity should have community input in the form of feedback or engagement?

We’ve got our Significance and Engagement Policy to help guide us in determining the appropriate types of engagement with stakeholders and the public to support robust decision-making.

This policy provides clarity about how and when our communities will either be informed, or asked, for formal feedback in Council decisions. That assessment will then inform decisions about the appropriate type and form of engagement we use to obtain your views.

This policy also sets out assets with significant strategic value.

It’s been three years since we last reviewed our Significance and Engagement Policy, which means staff have carried out a review and now it’s time to ask for your feedback on our proposed changes.

Is this a bit like asking for feedback on how we determine if and when we’ll ask for feedback or involvement? Yes, it’s a lot like that. The policy is required by law, and it’s also very useful to our Council to guide us in our decision making.

Feedback can be made until 4pm on Monday 23 October. Find out how to have your say below.

What are we proposing to change? 

We have:

  • Included a policy that says we’ll follow a two-step process for making decisions about the significance/importance of a proposal or issue and how we’ll engage with our community about it. First, we’ll determine its importance on a scale from low to high, using criteria set out in the policy. Second, we’ll use that assessment to inform decisions about the appropriate type and form of engagement used to obtain community views. This could range from providing information to asking for feedback to more direct collaboration with communities through to empowering our communities to make the final decision. The exact form of engagement and the resources we’ll allocate will be decided on a case-by-case basis.
  • Listed criteria for assessing significance. For example, we’ll consider if the proposal affects any aspect of the social, economic, environmental or cultural wellbeing of a specific community or the district as a whole? Will the impact be major and long term? Will a level of service be affected? What are the financial implications?
  • Identified our key strategic assets:
  • Roading and footpath assets
  • Water supply, wastewater, and stormwater networks
  • Reserves
  • Community housing (land owned by our Council where this housing is located)

We’re asking one simple question: Do you agree with the proposed changes to the policy?

  • If no, please tell us why
  • If yes, please add any relevant comments

How to have your say

Read the final draft Significance and Engagement Policy or ask for a copy at one of our Council service centres.

To provide feedback, you can either:

  • Provide feedback online here - you'll need to Login or Register before providing your response
  • Download the feedback form, print and fill it in, then email it to consultation@tcdc.govt.nz
  • Collect a printed feedback form at one of our Council libraries or Council offices in Thames, Coromandel, Whitianga or Whangamatā, fill it out and hand it in at the office or post it to Thames-Coromandel District Council, Private Bag 1001, Thames 3540.



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