Our Road to Recovery: Progress on SH25A and our Recovery Plan
Published on 08 June 2023
We are continuing to focus on repairing infrastructure, while providing support to businesses and communities to recover and plan for the future. Below are our key updates from around the region.
Construction on SH25A to begin this month
The Government has announced that the construction plan to repair State Highway 25A has been finalised and work on the ground will begin within the next fortnight.
The design is for a 110 metre three-span composite bridge with a concrete sub-structure, steel superstructure, and pre-cast concrete deck.
Associate Transport Minister Kiritapu Allen explained that the plan is to take a "safe and efficient" construction approach which utilises readily available materials.
“While the final cost and exact time-frame are still being worked through, announcing the construction team today means the design work and site establishment can progress imminently.”
Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency has selected McConnell Dowell and Fulton Hogan to carry out the work, who will be supported by Beca and Tonkin and Taylor.
They will begin by establishing site offices and all-weather access tracks for machinery. The project team has access to a range of in-house equipment such as cranes, which will help to fast-track the process.
Click here to read the full announcement.
McLivers Bridge in Puriri set to be repaired

Repairs to Puriri's McLivers Bridge, located 2km up Neavesville Road, are beginning next Wednesday. The bridge has been operating with a weight restriction after being damaged during recent weather events.
The area either side of the bridge will be closed from the 14th–28th of June to undertake the works efficiently and safely.
Click here to see our latest roading updates.
Supporting resilient businesses
Local Business Associations are being supported to develop locally led programmes to drive recovery from recent weather events.
As part of the Cyclone Gabrielle Business Recovery Fund, financial resource has been allocated for local business associations to support their communities.
To access funding, business associations will develop local plans to support business recovery efforts and respond to their needs. These could include initiatives such as workshops for businesses looking to pivot, economic recovery programmes, and access to support services.
Business associations and their networks will attend a forum next week, which has been facilitated by our Council, with support from Destination Hauraki-Coromandel and the Ministry of Social Development, as an opportunity for all to share ideas and collaborate.
Recovery Plan being finalised
Our Council is finalising our Recovery Plan, which accounts for the recovery process so far and establishes pathways towards future projects. It has been developed in partnership with our communities, Iwi and key stakeholders.
The primary goals for the Thames-Coromandel District Council Draft Recovery Plan are to restore, repair, build back, enhance resilience, and take care of our communities and their wellbeing.
The recovery framework focuses on:
• Thriving businesses (sustainable)
• Fit for purpose infrastructure (resilient)
• Rural and communities support (connected)
• Our natural environment (enhanced)
The success measures and timeframes for each work stream are outlined in the Recovery Plan, providing a clear direction and pathway for rebuilding our communities in a future-focused way. Once finalised, it will be available to read on our website.
Last chance to apply for Sport and Activity Fund

Our Council, Sport Waikato, and Sport NZ have joined forces to provide funding and support for the recovery and rebuilding of physical activity opportunities. Applications close on Monday 12 June at 4pm.
We welcome applications from organisations and groups in our district who may need to repair infrastructure and equipment, are looking to lead local sport opportunities, or have increased travel requirements.
Click here to find out more and apply.
Find out more about the Rural Recovery Fund

The Ministry of Primary Industries is welcoming expressions of interest in a fund to support rural communities to recover from severe weather events. Initiatives could include the wellbeing and safety of those affected, urgent maintenance, and ensuring animal welfare.
Community groups, Iwi, support groups and other rural organisations who are interested are invited to an online hui to find out more:
- Monday 12 June 10am–12pm, 1pm
- Tuesday 13 June 8.30am–10am
- Wednesday 14 June 1pm–3pm
The aim is to provide advice on the fund, the application process and answer questions you may have. Please email Melaia Lousi at MPI to secure a place. Email: Melaia.Lousi@mpi.govt.nz.
Click here to read more about who is eligible.
Read and download the funding factsheet.