Road to Recovery: Cadetships at our Council and road repair progress
Published on 22 November 2023
Applications open for three new cadet roles at our Council
Are you wanting to enter the workforce and try out what careers are available in local government?
As part of the Mayors Taskforce For Jobs (MTFJ) community employment programme, we have three fixed-term roles available, each for six months, 32 hours a week. The roles will assist with recovery focused projects and are aimed at helping the successful applicants learn some new skills and showing the variety of careers available within our Council.
The MTFJ is a movement of mayors around Aotearoa who are working towards getting young people in local employment. Enabling employment for local people is a key workstream within our Cyclone Recovery Plan.
This entry-level role is an opportunity to provide administrative and communication support services to our Council's Communications and Community Partnerships teams.
The Communications team is responsible for writing stories and project updates to share Council news across a range of channels, as well as keeping our website up-to-date. Our Community Partnerships team helps to connect local people and groups to support services and work on local initiatives to help our communities to thrive.
Essential skills needed for this role:
- Confident with Microsoft Office.
- Tech-literate and can easily navigate social media platforms.
- Reliable, honest and show empathy for people and communities.
- Willingness to learn.
- A team player that shows initiative and judgement.
These entry-level roles are an opportunity to support the Coastal Restoration team, based in Whitianga. You will assist and carry out Coastcare restoration maintenance and work alongside volunteer coastal groups.
Responsibilities include:
- Targeted weed control planned in 2024 at dune restoration sites
- Carrying out seed collection of native dune species
- Helping with monitoring of pests and pest plants in coastal dune systems
- Assisting Council’s Parks and Open Spaces field repreprentatives when required
The nature of this work means that you need to be physically fit to complete some tasks and duties.
Progress on rebuilding storm-damaged roads
Tapu-Coroglen Road:
We now expect the road to be reopened by Friday 15 December, with Coromandel Town-based Kelsey Construction working hard to make up for delays caused by vandalism and weather events.
Black Jack Rd, Kūaotunu:
Work on the site 1.7km from the junction with State Highway 25 to repair the damage from Cyclone Gabrielle is expected to be completed by mid-December. Kelsey Construction will return on 15 January 2024 to begin works at 2km, with that site expected to take six weeks to construct.
Every effort will be made to ensure both noise and dust are kept to a minimum to prioritise the health, safety and well-being of neighbouring residents. Temporary Traffic Management will involve road closures up to 50 minutes at a time, with the road open for 10 minutes on the hour. We'll be doing everything possible to limit delays and will only implement 50-minute closures when necessary. Regular access to residential properties will be maintained during construction and any temporary closures will be communicated directly to residents to arrange suitable times.
Colville Rd - 6.8km and 8.9km:
The contract for these two sites has been awarded to Waikato contractor Nick Pemberton Construction.
Work is scheduled to start shortly, weather depending, at the 6.8km site.
A retaining wall at the 8.9km site was started this week and will take approximately four weeks to complete.
Colville Rd Gabion Basket Walls:
Kennedy Bay Rd:
Stay updated on roadworks:
SH25/SH25A update

Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency has announced that SH25A (Kōpū-Hikuai Road) will reopen by 20 December.
The new SH25A bridge (photo above) is another step closer to completion with the precast concrete side barriers now in place and further work to connect the bridge deck to solid ground at the abutments completed.
Last week the team lifted and placed 44 barriers along each side of the bridge deck. At the eastern abutment, the team poured the concrete for the expansion joint and knock off block.
Soil nailing of the slip face above the bridge continues with night work as well to speed up progress. Drainage installation under the bridge and at the western abutment is underway.
The team also completed the pavement layers for the new road at the eastern approach. These are the crushed rock layers that will be sealed with a layer of asphalt.
This week the team will set up the reinforcement and do the concrete pours, which connect the barriers to the bridge deck and form and pour the expansion joint and knock off block at the western abutment. They will also start reinstatement of the road at the western approach.
Asphalt, road marking and barriers will be completed over the next few weeks ahead of the bridge opening, expected by 20 December.
Our Council is working with Waka Kotahi, stakeholders and the community about how we celebrate this milestone.
Work underway at Ruamahunga Bay – SH25 Thames Coast Road
Preliminary work to stabilise the large slip site at Ruamahunga Bay involving helicopters began last week.
Helicopters were used to remove trees from the slope and bring equipment onto site, and a site compound was set up at the boat ramp car park.
Loose material and vegetation is being removed and rock anchors and mesh installed at three locations across the slip face.
During these works SH25 will be reduced to a single lane under stop/go traffic management, with 'stop/stop' when helicopters are operating.
See more on Waka Kotahi’s work in the Coromandel on their website where you can also subscribe to email updates.
Transport to medical and WINZ appointments
Coromandel Independent Living Trust (CILT) has launched a new Transport Assistance Scheme, to support communities while our roads continue to be repaired.
CILT will be offering fuel vouchers to assist with the cost of travel when attending medical or WINZ appointments that are not already covered by other Government or ACC funding.
To qualify, you will need to bring a valid Community Services or Gold card and proof of your appointment to their Resource Centre (45 Tiki Road, Coromandel Town).
If you would like more information, contact CILT on 07 866 8358 or email
Share to Prepare – inquiry into North Island weather event response
The Government has opened consultation for their inquiry into the response to this year's North Island severe water events. They want to hear stories from people who experienced the storms and their impacts, to better prepare for future events.
Below you can watch an introduction to what the inquiry is aiming to achieve, along with tools and resources for involvement.
The consultation closes on Friday December 15.
Click here to read more and see how you can get involved
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