Spirit of the Coromandel photo competition

Published on 30 July 2024

What does Our Coromandel and its people mean to you? Say it in photos.

Prizes of $100, $50 and $25 Prezzy cards are on offer for the three best photographs submitted of Thames-Coromandel District and its people.

To enter follow this link


What are we after?
  • We want photos of people in our district. We want the photos to show Coromandel’s famous spirit:
    people’s resilience, their grit, cheerfulness and self-help spirit
  • the idea of ‘community’
  • people getting on with life despite some tough years
  • people working
  • people opening for business
  • young people paving the way for their future
  • people loving and caring for the area’s beautiful environment.

Feel free to surprise us!

What will the photographs be used for?

We’ll use them in our Council’s communications -  it could be on social media, our website or printed publications. We’ll make sure we credit you as the photographer. Please note that all photos, whether they win one of the top three prizes or not, will be considered for use in our material.

What aren’t we after?

Although we love picture postcard landscape shots of our district, we have plenty of these. It’s images of people in the area we’re after.

What are the tech specs for the photos?

We’ll consider any photo 3MB or more in a JPG.

What else do I need to know?

Please get everyone’s permission in the photograph – unless it’s a massive crowd shot! Please include a description with the photo of where it is and who’s in it.

Can I submit more than one photo?

Yes. Everyone can submit up to 5 photos. Please make sure you clearly identify which photos show what.

Is there an age limit?

No. We’re happy to consider photos from anyone aged 9 to 99 and beyond.

How’s it being judged?

We’ll be looking for interesting shots, technically good photos, creative ways of showing the Spirit of Our Coromandel and their appropriateness for use in our communications. It’ll be judged by our freelance graphic designer and artist.



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