Stormy weather impacts Quarter Three service delivery
Published on 22 June 2023
The severe weather events, including Cyclones Hale and Gabrielle, meant that meeting our non-financial performance measures on how we deliver service to our customers for quarter three of the 2022/23 financial year was a real challenge.
“It’s no surprise that our Council service delivery has felt the effects of this year’s weather events,” says Mayor Len Salt. “That said, I’m especially proud of our Council teams for continuing to go the extra mile to ensure that we have achieved the best results we can under such difficult conditions.”
Our quarterly reports, which monitor non-financial performance measures as part of our 2021-2031 Long Term Plan (LTP), show how effectively we are staying on track to meet our year-end service delivery targets.
Reporting covers how we performed against our targets to deliver items such as water services, roading, solid waste, maintaining our parks and reserves, libraries and so many of the services that our Council provides the community.
The quarter three report(PDF, 4MB), which covers the period from 1 July to 31 March 2023, was presented to the Risk and Assurance Committee on 22 June 2023.
Key highlights:
- Eight of the nine measures for the stormwater activity are on track to be achieved and one is not achieved, relating to a flooding event during Cyclone Gabrielle (the number of habitable floors affected per 1000 properties). There were no flooding events in quarters one and two, compared to one flooding event in quarter three. Staff are working with the community on a stormwater improvement investigation project, and will be gathering further information on affected areas and properties.
- In Quarter Three, we received 94 requests for service relating to footpath and road defects. This significant increase in requests is attributed to the cyclone events. We responded to 84 (89 per cent) within the required Long Term Plan timeframe and are on track to achieve our year-end target of ≥85 per cent.
- Inspections show that unsealed road pavements have held up better than we expected. We achieved an 86 per cent compliance for unsealed roads complying with quality requirements (compared to our target of ≥90 per cent). We are still on track to achieve our target by end of year.
- We are on track to achieve our targeted decrease of 1 per cent on the amount of waste going to landfill. However recent storms and the return of non-residential ratepayers to clean up storm rubbish from their properties may affect the amount of waste going to landfill between now and the end of the financial year.