Upgraded kerbside info, Shoreline Management meetings, and more news
Published on 25 August 2023
The latest from Mayor Len
Our Council’s upgraded rubbish and recycling system (www.tcdc.govt.nz/newkerbside) is about to kick in. Hopefully, you’ll have heard by now that the changes take place from 1 September as a new contractor takes over the service.
Naturally it will take a mindset change for some as we implement a new system, but our team has done a fantastic job under difficult circumstances including the closure of SH25A, and I’m proud of the work they’ve done to make this happen.

As with any major change, this one has presented our Council teams and our residents and ratepayers with a number of challenges. It also presents significant opportunities for us as a district to do things differently, reduce costs, and reduce the volume of rubbish we all send to landfill.
These factors have contributed to added costs:
Logistical considerations contributing to service changes:
- Moving from a three-council joint contract to our own individual contract, which has impacts on the logistics and timing of pickups and collection days.
- The complicated logistics of scheduling collection vehicles in the most cost-effective manner to keep to budgets means some communities don’t get their preferred collection day.
Considerable benefits from the new system:
The new system will take some adjustments. We will all need to spend a bit more time sorting our waste and recycling, being smarter about how we manage our environment, and making our own individual contributions to reducing the volumes we send to landfill and the costs to our community.
The responsibility for creating a better environment for us and for future generations lies with all of us. It starts at home, at school and at the bach. Let’s do this together.
If you have any questions about how the new service will operate, including changes to your collection day, check our website at www.tcdc.govt.nz/newkerbside for the answer.
If you can’t find what you’re looking for call our Customer Services team on 07 868 0200.
Where to find your rubbish tags
The countdown is on for the new rubbish and recycling service which starts in a week’s time from the beginning of September.
Deliveries of the new bins are almost complete with properties in the north of the Coromandel scheduled to receive them over the coming week.
Contractors are also busy catching up on properties who were missed in the initial deliveries. If you missed out on receiving your bins while deliveries were made in your area, please contact our helpful Customer Services team.
After your kerbside collection next week, start using your new rubbish wheelie bin and food scraps bin according to the new schedule.

The $8 Pay as You Throw Tags are now available from:
- Coromandel Town Four Square
- Hāhei General Store
- Thames Four Square Discount (527 Pollen St)
- Thames Pak-n-Save
- Pāuanui Information Centre
Our four TCDC offices:
- Thames
- Coromandel Town
- Whitianga
- Whangamatā
By Monday, the following retailers will have their stock for sale:
- Mercury Bay Food market
- Whangamatā New World
- Whitianga New World
- Whitianga Glasshouse Emporium
- Pāuanui Supervalue
- Tairua Superette
- Cooks Beach General Store
- Coromandel Town Supersaver
- Thames Read Bros Hardware
We’ll announce further retailers stocking the PAYT tags as they are finalised.
For a reminder of what goes in each bin, check out our website www.tcdc.govt.nz/newkerbside
Remember that all Refuse and Recycling Transfer Stations will be closed on Thursday 31 August so the contractor changeover can take place. From 1 September, all seven of our transfer stations will be open every day to longer hours (except Christmas Day, Good Friday and the morning of Anzac Day). For more info, visit www.tcdc.govt.nz/newRTS
Shoreline Management Pathways – September public meetings
Prioritising the projects that will help us manage the effects of sea level rise.
The three-year shoreline management work identified our Coromandel communities’ preferred pathways of action to improve resilience to the effects of climate change.
Our Council is now prioritising and implementing projects from those pathways. Come and find out about the next steps.
Meeting dates
Te Puru
• Te Puru Hall Saturday 2 September 10am
• This meeting has been postponed. Date to be confirmed
• Whitianga Town Hall 16 September 2pm
We also plan on holding meetings with dates to be confirmed, in Moanataiari, Thames, and Tararu South.
Our dual-factor assessment process considers:
• the urgency of projects
• their importance in relation to social, environmental, economic, community and tangata whenua criteria.
Find out more about proposals for:
• Seawall management in Moanataiari
• Stopbank enhancement in Thames
• Sediment recycling
• Other sea level rise management projects.
The results of this phase of the project will inform our Council’s 2024-2034 Long Term Plan.
For more information visit tcdc.govt.nz/smp, email us at ourcoast@tcdc.govt.nz, or phone us on 07 868 0200.
Subscribe for updates at tcdc.govt.nz/subscribe
Streetlights not working?
Our Council is aware that some stretches of streetlights across the district have been sporadically losing power. As a result, several roads have been left without lighting.
This is a Powerco issue (rather than a Council issue); however, our staff are currently working with Powerco to fix these issues.
If you discover any streetlights that aren't working, please contact our Council on 07 868 0200 with the details, and we’ll follow this up with Powerco.
Proposed Waikato Regional Coastal Plan
Waikato Regional Council has developed a new regional coastal plan. They are currently seeking community feedback on this.
The Proposed Waikato Regional Coastal Plan (the coastal plan) sets out how Waikato Regional Council intends to manage activities in the region’s coastal marine area to meet statutory requirements and the growing needs of communities.
The coastal plan recognises water quality, indigenous biodiversity and natural hazards. It outlines the management and impact of activities, including the use of resources and space, extraction of materials, aquaculture, and the discharge of contaminants.
Feedback has also been sought from iwi, coastal residents and users, central and local government agencies, and industry to update and further refine plan provisions to ensure they meet the needs of Waikato communities.
Public submissions are open until 5pm, Tuesday 14 November 2023.
Visit our Careers Roadshow
Our Council is supporting a Careers Roadshow for local communities, to boost local employment and share potential job opportunities.
It will visit local schools to give people access to jobs and careers information.
It will be held from 10am–2pm on the following dates, and will be open to the public from 12pm–1pm.
- Monday 28 August
Whangamatā Area School
- Wednesday 30 August
Mercury Bay Area School
- Thursday 31 August
Coromandel Area School
- Friday 1 September
Thames High School
Click here to see a summary of attendees running stalls by location.
Roading updates from Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency
Piling for the eastern abutment of the bridge that will allow SH25A to re-open is now complete.
Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency's contractors are now drilling the piles at the western abutment.
Contractors also finished building the shear key – a wall built five metres deep into the slip to stabilise the slip floor and create a safe working platform for equipment to build the new bridge.
Further work to stabilise the slip face and improve drainage is also underway, with drains being installed 20 metres horizontally into the slip face.
SH25A is expected to be reopened in March 2024.

A render of the bridge to repair SH25A, which is currently under construction.
Waka Kotahi send a regular newsletter with progress updates, and also posts these to their website.
Pepe Stream Bridge
The replacement of Tairua's Pepe Stream Bridge is a priority for Waka Kotahi. The Pepe Stream Bridge business case to explore replacement options has been completed and approved. Funding for the next phase of project development has been approved. This stage includes detailed design, consenting and property investigation. For more information on the process and where it’s at, you can find latest information, newsletters and the proposed designs on the Pepe Stream Bridge replacement project page.
Kirikiri Stream Bridge
The Kirikiri Stream bridge, built in 1941, will be replaced to help alleviate flooding in the area. The current bridge is low and narrow with a central pier that collects flood debris, causing water to back up during storms. Replacing the bridge will help reduce the flood risk, protecting the area from the impact of severe storms. The replacement design is for a steel tied arch bridge, to be built slightly upstream of the current one. It will be 3m higher and will not accumulate debris underneath.
As part of the project, the nearby intersection of SH26 and SH25A will be upgraded with a roundabout, significantly improving safety on this popular holiday route. The project is currently out for tender, and it is anticipated that work will begin over the summer of 2023–24. Visit the project page: Kirikiri Stream bridge replacement project.
Te Aorerekura – Hauraki Conference
As part of the Cyclone Recovery Social Wellbeing Plan, on Thursday October 5, a free conference in Thames will be held for frontline kaimahi/staff working directly with whānau.
It's being run to acknowledge the work being done in the family violence space across Hauraki and build toward being recognised as one resource across Hauraki.
It will support bringing Te Aorerekura to life in our communities: a national Strategy and Action Plan, which sets out a collective path for organisations to collaborate in the elimination of family violence.
The vision of the strategy is that: "All people in Aotearoa New Zealand are thriving; their wellbeing is enhanced and sustained because they are safe and supported to live their lives free from family violence and sexual violence."
This will include summer planning. Registration opens soon and this is open to kaimahi from social, community, Iwi, NGO, local and central government organisations working directly with Whānau.
Click here to view the event flyer.
Apply for the Creative Communities Fund
Our Council is welcoming applications to the Creative Communities fund. This year there is also a one-off festival fund to support local events.
Backed by Creative New Zealand, the Creative Communities Scheme aims to increase participation in the arts. Its goals include broadening the range and diversity of the arts available to communities and enhance and strengthen the local arts sector.
Successful applications have included local theatre productions, bringing leading musicians to perform locally, and the creation of school murals.
Click here to read more and apply.
About the Creative Communities Festival Fund
The CCS Festival Fund is a one-off funding boost from Government, to support established festivals that celebrate the life experiences, stories, cultures, and regional identities of New Zealanders, that continue to be impacted by the effects of COVID-19 in 2023.
These funds are intended to help the sector adapt and thrive, while further improving access, equity, and arts participation for all.
Click here to read more about this fund.
Applications are due on Friday 8 September 2023.
Send completed applications and questions to governance.services@tcdc.govt.nz.

Clean Up Week is coming up in September, with local organisations coming together to keep our region beautiful. As our country's largest clean-up event, it's a great opportunity to make a positive and tangible impact in your local community. You can register your group's event here.
As part of the week-long event, local environmental group Wāhi Tukurua are hosting a clean-up event at Buffalo Beach Reserve on Saturday 16 September from 9.30am. Meet at the Buffalo Beach Reserve at 9.30am before heading off and clean up your piece of Whitianga. Then return to the reserve with your rubbish where the team will weigh and get rid of it for you. Afterwards you can stay and enjoy some hot soup (remember your keep cup) and the chance to win some spot prizes.
Wāhi Tukurua are excited to host the event and provide the opportunity for the community to come together and help protect our local environment – and have fun while doing it. It's a great way to help strengthen our community's response to waste and be part of a positive solution. Click here to view the Facebook event, or visit Wāhitukurua.co.nz.
Our Council will share local clean up events to our Facebook page.
Community dune planting this weekend
There are some Coast Care Waikato community planting days this weekend in Whangamatā and Matarangithat you're welcome to join.
Digging in the sand is quite easy and you'll be doing your bit for our native plants and animals.
All you need to bring is covered sturdy footwear, water, suitable clothing, gardening gloves and your favourite spade (or you can borrow one of ours).
- Saturday 26 August, 10am (Beach access 16)
- Saturday 16–Sunday 17 September 8:45am (Beach access 17)
- Friday 25 August, 9am at Golf Hole 1&2
- Saturday 26 August, 9am at Ocean Close
Find out more about our coastal restoration projects at tcdc.govt.nz/dunes
There's still time to have your say on a local draft Biking Strategy
Our Council is inviting feedback on a draft Biking Strategy that has been created to improve mountain biking experiences and drive tourism to the Coromandel. There's still time to fill in the survey – it's closing on Monday August 28. You can fill in the survey online, download a printable version, or pick up/request a hardcopy from one of our Council offices or District Libraries. Thank you to everyone who taken the time to fill in the survey so far.
Developed by Destination Hauraki Coromandel, the draft Strategy has a vision of creating a regionally significant, collaborative, sustainable cycling destination. It provides a set of ideas and actions to increase the amount of off-road cycling opportunities in our region. Before we begin planning next steps, we are interested in hearing our community’s feedback on:
· the vision and key goals of the Strategy;
· any specific outcomes or concerns related to specific areas of our region;
· whether you would like to be involved in giving further feedback or future projects.
Everyone who fills in our survey will go in the draw to win:
· 1 x weekend family pass to Whangamatā Ridges Mountain Bike Park
· 1 x $200 voucher to Jolly Bikes
Click here to view the draft Strategy.
Click here to fill in the survey.
Click here to find out more about this project.
Supporting Daffodil Day
Our Council teams were in full bloom this week in support of Daffodil Day – the official fundraising day for Cancer Society NZ | Te Kāhui Matepukupuku o Aotearoa. Our colourful staff came out in full support, raising almost $1000 with delicious homemade treats, waffles, and online donations.
The Waikato/Bay of Plenty Cancer Society offers a range of free, practical assistance and supportive care for Kiwis facing cancer in our region, to help people understand cancer, get through treatment and find support.
You don’t need a referral from a healthcare professional to access the services – just get in touch by phone or email.
A supportive care nurse will contact you to talk about your individual needs and connect you with appropriate support services.
Click here for more information, or to donate to the local branch.
Volunteer for Civil Defence and Emergency Management
The Waikato Civil Defence Emergency Management Group is recruiting reliable volunteers for roles in the Emergency Coordination Centre or local Emergency Operations Centre during a response.
Ongoing Civil Defence training and progression opportunities are provided for volunteers. There may be opportunities to be deployed to other parts of the country during emergency events.
Find out more on Volunteering Waikato’s website:
Find out more about the role of Civil Defence at Civildefence.govt.nz.
The latest opportunities at our Council
As one of the largest employers in our district, we offer a diverse range of career opportunities. These include finance, civil engineering, land development planning, policy, customer services, parks, coastal management, communications, and many more. We currently have a range of great opportunities to join our Council team:
Programme Manager
Reporting to the Operations Group Manager, this key role leads a team of project managers delivering on a wide range of projects from playgrounds to commercial marine facilities, pump station rebuilds to new water treatment plants and beach access steps to coastal protection structures!
Utilities Engineer – 3 Waters
Get ready for a busy and varied role that will keep you on your toes! We're seeking someone who thrives under pressure, has good budget management, and possesses strong contract management experience. As part of our team, you'll play a pivotal role in ensuring the smooth functioning of our water services engineering operations, making a real impact on the communities we serve.
Legal Coordinator
Reporting to the Legal Counsel this is a new full-time role supporting in the administration and coordination of requests for official information under Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act (LGOIMA) and the Privacy Act.
You will work closely with the Legal Technical Specialist logging requests, providing advice on basic enquiries, assisting in collation of large requests, and releasing to customers once approved. This position will also provide back-up administration to support the Legal Assistant when required.
We post our latest jobs, as well as project updates and news, to our Council's LinkedIn page. Click here to follow our page.
Adoptable dogs
If you are interested in adopting a dog, please contact us on 07 868 0200.
Once your interest is known, a Dog Control Officer will be in contact with you to discuss the adoption and carry out the appropriate checks. This may include a visit to your property.

This handsome young boy is a Huntaway cross and an entire male. He's an obedient, fun-loving, friendly and loves to play.
He knows quite a few commands, is house-trained, and would be a perfect walking or running buddy. He loves company and would do well with an active owner.
Click here to view our lost, found and adoptable dogs.