District workforce, Te Ariki Tahi wharf upgrade, events fund open
Published on 16 August 2024
Investment needed to grow Coromandel workforce

A new report shows that investment is needed to grow our District’s future workforce, and without targeted intervention worker numbers are likely to shrink.
The Workforce Baseline Report has been prepared by our Council along with central government agencies as part of the work on our District’s Cyclone Recovery Plan.
It shows that construction and retail trades employ the largest proportion of our District’s workforce, while industries and occupations related to roading play a significant part in recovery and resilience in our district.
At the same time, the report shows that Thames-Coromandel’s population growth is driven by older migrants and is projected to slow. That means further workforce growth requires attracting more young people and families to the district, and strengthening those key industries, like aquaculture, which create meaningful career prospects for workers.
“This report gives us an extremely timely and accurate picture of our working population,” says our Mayor Len Salt. “We can see at a glance the opportunities to attract new talent to our district, such as investment in housing and our key industries, and also where we can grow our workforce from those who are already here and looking for work.”
Key findings from the report show that local jobs matter in our district. Almost 97 per cent of working residents in our district work within their ward of residence, preferring a commute of less than 45 minutes. It also shows that our workforce could grow from our existing unemployed, or underemployed, groups.
“We know there are around 300 young people living here, for example, who could be brought into work if we can help them with the right local training and education,” says our Mayor. “We should also be thinking about how to support our workers who are over-65 and want to continue working.”
The report concludes that initiatives to boost our workforce will be most effective if location, flexible working arrangements, and skills development are well supported and thought out.
“Maintaining, let alone growing, our workforce is highly reliant on our ability to attract workers to our district, which underscores the need for investment in good housing and access to services like health and education,” says our Mayor.
He says the data and insights from the report will help government agencies collaborate more effectively, to help prioritise investment and inform Council’s projects and partnerships to strengthen workforce development and future growth.
“What we’ve learned from Cyclone Gabrielle is that by working together as a team and with others we can have a stronger voice and collective impact,” says Mayor Len.
For more information contact: jessica.black@tcdc.govt.nz
Ariki Tahi Sugarloaf Wharf upgrade set to start this year

A $21.95 million upgrade to increase commercial berths and create a separated recreational facility at Ariki Tahi Sugarloaf wharf is set to begin construction in late 2024.
The project is being funded by $19.95 million from central government’s Provincial Growth Fund and $2 million from Waikato Regional Development Fund.
McConnel Dowell and their design partners and are currently working on the first stage of the wharf upgrade, which will separate recreational and commercial activities.
Applications for further investment to develop land-side aquaculture activities and roading infrastructure will also be prepared later this year.
Ariki Tahi Sugarloaf Wharf is jointly owned by Thames-Coromandel District Council, Coromandel Marine Farmers Association, and the Crown.
Rates notices coming late September
Notices for the first instalment of rates for the 2024/25 financial year are being sent from about 15 September, with payment due by 15 October.
Did you know you can pay by direct debit?
We have some new options around direct debits, to make it easier for you to pay your rates through the year in regular payments: weekly, two fortnightly options, and monthly.
download the direct debit form from our website:
Moved recently? Update your address with us
If you’ve moved recently, please update your postal address with us so your next rates notice, posted in September, goes to your current address.
District Event Fund is open for applications
Got an event that could become an iconic attraction for the Coromandel? If your event can draw domestic and international tourists, as well as our holiday homeowners, and can be held outside of peak summer, you might be eligible for support through our District Event Fund.
The fund aims to boost economic wellbeing by encouraging visitor spend and increasing the number of off-peak events. To qualify, your event must align with our Economic Development Strategy and demonstrate your capability to deliver it successfully.
Key criteria:
- Economic impact: Potential to boost visitor spending and attract at least 2,000 visitor days.
- Vibrancy: Should add energy and enjoyment to the district.
- Community connection: Contribute to a positive sense of place.
- Safety: High standards of health and safety are essential.
- Local profile: Ability to showcase the diverse localities of the Thames-Coromandel area.
For a detailed application form, download it here. If you need assistance, reach out to Kirstin Scarrott, our District Events and Experiences Coordinator, at 07 868 0200 or email Kirstin.scarrott@tcdc.govt.nz.
Applications are open until 31 August 2024 and will be reviewed by a panel of Council and Destination Hauraki Coromandel staff before being presented to our Council for a final decision.
Don’t miss the chance to bring your event to life and contribute to our vibrant community.
Read more
Last week to recognise your local unsung hero

This is your final week to nominate your local unsung hero for a Community Service Award.
Don’t miss the opportunity to highlight those who have made a significant impact. Submit your nominations before Friday 23 August.
Download the nomination form Find out more
Extended entry date for Hauraki Coromandel Business Awards
The deadline for entries to the Hauraki Coromandel Business Awards has been extended until midday Wednesday 21 August.
Full information on the award categories and how to enter is available here.
Find out from past winners about the benefits they received from entering here.

Have your say on two Bylaws
We’re seeking public feedback on our proposals for a new Parking Bylaw and for changes to our Traffic Bylaw. Follow the links below to find out what’s proposed and how to give your feedback.
Parking Bylaw
Find out more about the proposed Bylaw and how to give your feedback.

Have your say
Traffic Bylaw
Find out more about the proposed changes to the Bylaw and how to give your feedback below.

Have your say
Share your thoughts on Waikato's Emergency Management

The Waikato Civil Defence and Emergency Management Group is updating its Strategic Plan and needs your input. Your feedback is crucial in helping to understand what matters most to you and your whānau before, during, and after an emergency. By sharing your thoughts, you’ll help shape our region’s goals and priorities for the next five years.
The survey is short, anonymous, and available in English and te reo Māori. It’s open until 10am, Monday, 23 September 2024.
Community Waikato Tindall Annual Fund open now
Community Waikato are one of the Tindall Foundation's regional donation managers. Their focus is supporting organisations working to build strong, healthy, secure and thriving whānau/ families in our community.
The Community Waikato Tindall Funding round is open now and closes on 13 September. Click the link below for more information and to find the online application form.
Find out more
Whangamatā power outage postponed until Tuesday 20 August
Powerco has postponed their planned power outage that was due today until Tuesday 20 August, between 8.30am and 4pm, weather dependent.
We understand the outages linked to this project have been inconvenient, but they ensure Powerco's teams can work safely.
For more information
What's on in our District?
Photo competition
What does Our Coromandel and its people mean to you? Say it in photos.
Prizes of $100, $50 and $25 Prezzy cards are on offer for the three best photographs submitted of Thames-Coromandel District and its people.
What are we after?
We want photos of people in our district. We want the photos to show Coromandel’s famous spirit:
• people’s resilience, their grit, cheerfulness and self-help spirit
• the idea of ‘community’
• people getting on with life despite some tough years
• people working
• people opening for business
• young people paving the way for their future
• people loving and caring for the area’s beautiful environment.
Photos of 3MB or more in jpg or jpeg format are welcome. Make sure you get the permission of the people featured.
All the submitted photos will be considered for use in our Council’s communications.
Find out more here
Chorus Cabinet Art project
Our Council is collaborating with Chorus again for the Cabinet Art Programme.
If you paint professionally or as a hobby, you’re invited to participate in the Chorus Cabinet Art competition. We'll be calling for designs soon so keep an eye out on our website.
The chorus art cabinets initiative provides a great entry point to display your creative skills to the public.
Find out more Last year’s winners
Regional Brass Band Contest
The Kerepehi Brass Band is thrilled to announce the 2024 Waikato Bay of Plenty Regional Band Contest is coming to Thames for the very first time.
Mark your calendars for Saturday 28 and Sunday 29 September for a weekend of incredible music.
Volunteers are wanted to help make this event a success. If you're interested, contact kerepehibrass@gmail.com
T-RAP making waves in our community

The Thames Rangatahi Advisory Panel (T-RAP) celebrated their official launch last Sunday. It was a great day full of games, B-Ball comps, kai and plenty of fun.
T-RAP is a group of rangatahi here to tautoko | support our rangatahi to have a voice in local decision making and lead local youth initiatives.
Their next event is an 'amazing race' event. Follow T-RAP on Facebook for more information and how to register. Spots are limited so get in quick.
Follow Connecteen Rangatahi
Are you a business owner interested in minimising waste and related cost?

Our Council is interested in assisting our business community with waste education support, to help businesses manage waste responsibly, as well as increase waste reduction efforts.
We have engaged the services of waste industry specialists, Waste-Ed with Kate, to help us understand what type of educational support our businesses need, so we can look to develop a programme to suit.
We would appreciate if you could please take a few minutes to complete this brief survey which will help inform this project.
Complete the survey here
Workshops on reducing waste
Food Lovers Masterclass – evening sessions $10

• Whangamatā, Tuesday 27 August, 6-8pm; Whangamatā Bowling Club, 500 Rutherford Road
• Whitianga, Wednesday 28 August, 6-8pm; Mercury Bay Bowling Club, 92 Cook Drive
• Thames, Thursday 29 August, 6-8pm; Thames Civic Centre, 200 Mary Street
The Food Lovers Masterclass is a hugely popular seminar on food waste reduction that provides great advice on how to reduce food waste in your household. Topics include: shopping smarter, storing food tips and tricks, planning better, best before dates vs use-by dates, what can you freeze? and loads more. After the seminar you will receive a gift to take home to help you with waste minimisation.
Register here
Cloth Nappies, Parenting and more $10– online course + coffee group catch-up

The topics cover: waste-free Parenting, feeding & baby food, cloth nappies 101, washing cloth nappies and more. This course is available online today. Please register your interest. Collect a free cloth nappies gift pack at an informal coffee group catch-up at the dates/times listed below. Kate will also be available at these times to provide more information about the course and answer any questions you might have. Once you’ve registered, we’ll be in touch with the coffee group catch-up venue details.
• Whangamatā, Tuesday 27 August, 10–11am
• Whitianga, Wednesday 28 August, 10–11am
• Thames, Thursday 29 August, 10–11am
Register here
Roading Updates
Kennedy Bay slip repairs start Monday 19 August
Retaining wall construction is to set to begin on Kennedy Bay Rd at 5.144km, from Monday 19 August, to repair a drop out.
Repairs are expected to take nine weeks, and temporary traffic management will be in place as follows:
• During weekdays between 7.10am and 5pm, when required for construction, the road will be closed for up to 50 minutes.
• During periods where road closures are required the road will be opened on the hour every hour for 10 minutes.
• During the 50-minute closures, traffic control personnel will be in attendance to advise road users.
• For all other times when the road is not required to be fully closed for 50 minutes, traffic signals will be in operation. Delays of 15mins can be expected.
• The road will operate under traffic signals on weekends.
Arrangements will be made for regular school buses and emergency services (as needed) to have access through the site, as well as Waste Management vehicles on their Wednesday rubbish/recycling collection run.
We appreciate your patience during the construction and will try to complete the works as efficiently as possible.
For any concerns on the days of the works, please contact Kelsey Construction on 0800 992812.
Find out more
Key Section of Colville Road back to two lanes

Colville Road is steadily returning to full service, helping to reconnect our northern communities. This week, Our Council reopened another cyclone-damaged site to two lanes, 7.8km from the start of Colville road, making travel smoother for residents.
With four more sites in progress or set to begin soon, we’re keeping up a steady pace, averaging one site completed every three weeks.
There’s still about a year’s work left on this and other roads in the district, but we’re committed to restoring these vital connections. We appreciate your patience as we continue this important work.
Find out more
Upgrades to Island View Reserve car park
Drainage upgrades to the Whangamatā Island View Reserve car park will begin on Monday 19 August, and are expected to be completed by Monday 26 August.
The car park, as indicated in the picture, will be closed for most of this time, which means the freedom camping area will not be accessible either.
We appreciate your patience with this project.
Pāuanui RTS temporary closure
Pāuanui Refuse and Recycling Transfer Station will be temporarily closed for three days from Tuesday 27 to Thursday 29 August for repairs.
While the site is closed, please use the permanent drop-off area at the entrance to the site, or alternatively travel to Tairua Refuse and Recycling Transfer Station on Red Bridge Road.
The expected reopening is Friday 30 August.
Reduced access to Whitianga Esplanade Boat Ramp
For three days next week the Whitianga Esplanade Boat Ramp will have reduced access to enable yearly maintenance work to take place. From Tuesday 20 August – Thursday 22 August only one side of the boat ramp will be open. Please use Robinson Road as an alternative.

Opportunities at our Council

At our Council we ensure work-life balance is not just a dream but a reality. We offer an array of staff benefits including flexible work arrangements, relocation allowance, sick leave on commencement of employment and more.
Our current job vacancies are:
• Harbour Facilities & Services Officer
Working with commercial and recreational users, providing monitoring and co-ordination of the use of harbour-based facilities and services.
• Environmental Health Team Leader
Exciting leadership position available in our Regulatory Team. Reporting to our Licensing and Compliance Manager you will be responsible for the Environmental Health Team.
• Environmental Health Officer
Responsible for registration and verification of food business, Food Safety Officer duties, inspection of premises registered under the Health Act 1956, assessing and investigating general health nuisances and more.
If you're interested in working for us, and there are currently no vacancies that fit your skillset and knowledge, please complete the expression of interest application via the link below.
For more information or to apply
Adoptable dog of the week
The below dog is a female bull/cattle cross, approximately 10 months old. She's a well-behaved girl who loves people. Nala would make a fun-loving addition to any family.

For more information