Heavy rain watch, opportunities at our Council and community updates
Published on 19 July 2024
Rates rebate clinics lend a helping hand
Once you receive your rates bill, you can apply for a rates rebate for the current rating year period 1 July 2024 to 30 June 2025. We know it can be challenging putting together your application, but we're here to help. You can check your eligibility and find out more about the process on our website. You can also visit us in person at our service centres (only Thames requires an appointment), or phone our team on 07 868 0200 to book an appointment.
Find a local rebate clinic
If you qualify, and would like a helping hand with your application, our Council is holding a series of rates rebate clinics around the district. Make sure you mark the dates below and if you’re planning to attend in Thames, you’ll need to book a time. You should also bring your summary of income from the last tax year (1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024), as we'll need this for the application process. If your only source of income is superannuation, we'll have those figures for you.
Thames: 515 Mackay Street. From 5 - 9 August, call us on 07 868 0200 to book an appointment.
Whangamatā | Whitianga | Coromandel Town: No appointment is needed. Any time until 30 June 2025, you can visit us during office hours at:
• Whangamatā: 620 Port Road
• Whitianga: 10 Monk Street
• Coromandel Town: 355 Kapanga Road
Tairua | Pauanui: One day only, Thursday 8 August. No appointment is needed.
• Tairua Library – 9:00am - 12:00pm
• Pauanui Community Meeting Hub – 1:00pm - 4:00pm
You have until 30 June 2025 to apply for a rebate in the current rating year.
Find out more on our website Request a summary of income
Application forms and process
Moved recently? Update your address with us
Now that the Long Term Plan for 2024-2034 has been adopted, we've been able to set our rates.
Our online Rating Information Database (RID) is now available to check changes in rates for your property for the new 2024/25 rating year.
If you’ve moved recently, please update your postal address with us so your next rates notice, posted in September, goes to your current address.
Would you prefer to receive your rates notice by email? Just let us know.
We also have some new options around direct debits, to make it easier for you to pay your rates through the year in regular payments: weekly, two fortnightly options, and monthly.
Update your address and download the direct debit form
Catch up on our final 2024-2034 LTP

Our final 2024-2034 Long Term Plan (LTP) is available on our website, where you’ll also find information about what we're delivering to our communities over the coming 10 years, our key decisions, core policy and strategy documents, and our financial information.
Our Council has committed to investing $744.7 million in roading, water services, coastal protection and other essential assets, facilities and services in the Coromandel over the next 10 years – the largest portion of spending is on roading with $245.4 million budgeted.
If you’re wondering what your rates will be for the 2024/25 financial year, you can check them online with your property address, using our Online Rating Information Database.
As part of the LTP process, we've also updated our 2024/25 Schedule of Fees & Charges, with an overall 3% increase to help ease pressure on the rates. Some fees and charges increased from 1 July 2024, including building consents, dog control, LIMs and resource consents, and some boat ramp fees.
Visit our LTP project page for an overview Download the final LTP
Check your 20204/25 rates online
View the 20245/25 Schedule of Fees and Charges
Opportunities at our Council
At our Council we ensure work-life balance is not just a dream but a reality. We offer an array of staff benefits including flexible work arrangements, relocation allowance, sick leave on commencement of employment and more.
Our current job vacancies are:
• Communications Officer
• Environmental Health Officer
• Senior Development Engineer
• Building Control Officer – Inspections (6 month fixed term)
• Environmental Health Team Leader
• Community Development Officer
• Contract Manager for Waste & Recycling
If you're interested in working for us, and there are currently no vacancies that fit your skillset and knowledge, please complete the expression of interest application via the link below.
For more information or to apply
Heavy rain and strong winds on the way
MetService has issued a Heavy Rain Watch with strong north-east winds in place for the Coromandel from midnight Friday 19 July (today) through to Saturday morning 20 July.
A strong sub-tropical low will sweep by well out to the east.
For those travelling home on Saturday morning after the school holidays, take a few minutes to check in on road conditions before you depart.
We’ll post any updates on our Facebook page – and keep an eye out at NZTA as well.
Robinson Road boat ramp at Whitianga is temporarily closed

Robinson Rd boat ramp is temporarily closed from today - Friday 19 July - until we can organise a contractor to clear new debris (logs and leaves) that are washing in on the tides.
Nearly a tonne of debris has already been removed, however, the current weather conditions are washing in more. There's no damage to the ramp, but we've decided to close it for safety reasons, as the debris can cause a navigational hazard for boaties. Once the bad weather has passed, we'll clean it all up, and get it open again for you as soon as we can.
In the meantime, please use the main boat ramp in Whitianga. Thank you for your patience.
Thames Pool closing early this weekend
Due to unforeseen circumstances our Pool will be closing early at 2pm on Saturday 20 and Sunday 21 July. Normal hours will resume on Monday 22 July.
We’re sorry for any inconvenience this causes and appreciate your understanding.
Entries and public nominations open for Richardsons Hauraki Coromandel Business Awards
The awards highlight excellence and creativity in the business sector, offer an opportunity for businesses to gain recognition, and the chance to benchmark and gain expert advice on how to continue to prosper.
There are two awards for public nomination:
• People's Choice – for an outstanding business.
• Service to Business – for an individual who goes above and beyond for our business community.
Make sure to nominate.
Full information on the award categories and how to enter and nominate is available here. Entries and nominations are open until Friday 16 August. For an overview of how to apply check out some informative videos on the awards Facebook page.
Mark your calendars for the gala evening on Wednesday 23 October at the Thames War Memorial Civic Centre. Ticket sales will open in early August.
Find out more
Inzone Career Kiosks Now Available Across Hauraki
A new digital resource for exploring career options is now available in the Coromandel and Hauraki thanks to a collaboration between our Council and Regional Public Services Waikato, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Social Development and Inzone Careers.
Eleven Inzone Careers kiosks have been installed across the region, helping people explore careers by offering easy access to information on career support, job options, and a variety of employment resources.
The Ministry of Social Development (MSD) has funded the kiosks through a 12-month lease under the North Island Weather Event funding (Cyclone Gabrielle) MSD fund. This support has been crucial in making this project a reality. Our Council is contributing to promote the kiosks as part of our broader Thames Cyclone Recovery Plan.
The kiosks are located at Thames High School, Hauraki Plains College, Paeroa College, Waihi College, Whangamatā Area School, Mercury Bay Area School, Coromandel Area School, and Te Whare kura o Manaia. The kiosks hosted by these schools are designed to support career exploration and provide valuable information to tauira (students) and their whānau.
The community organisations involved include the Coromandel Independent Living Trust, Whitianga Community Services Trust, and Thames Library. The inclusion of these organisations ensures access to these kiosks, which are also available to jobseekers and the public.
The Ministry of Education (MOE) is actively engaged in ensuring that the kiosks are integrated into each school’s career and gateway curriculum.
Inzone Careers are working with hosts and stakeholders to explore opportunities to include local content on the kiosks, such as information on local businesses, training options, and other relevant resources.
The initiative, an extension of the Careers Roadshows held in February this year, is part of the Thames Cyclone Recovery Plan. This collaboration underscores a shared commitment to enhancing career opportunities for young people and whānau in the Hauraki region.
Check out a Career Kiosk near you - they are free and user friendly.
Find out more
Tupu Kai projects take root
Three areas within Coromandel-Colville – Manaia, Kōpūtauākī and Harataunga (Kennedy Bay) – are taking part in three different styles of community gardening in a Cyclone recovery funded initiative for Tupu Kai (grow the food) projects, designed to encourage community resilience.
Raised garden beds, food forests and the more traditional communal garden plots are being used to grow basic food stocks in case the communities are isolated during emergency events, while gardening knowledge is also shared between communities at a grassroots level.
If there are no emergencies, produce is shared around the community and through pataka kai sharing shelves. The communities of Colville, Te Rerenga and Whitianga are also being supported with their community garden initiatives.
Phase 2 of the Tupu Kai project will see 30 groups across 23 towns in the district planting fruit trees on Council, community and school reserves as part of our Council’s Fruit Tree Initiative. We’ve seen an overwhelming response with more than 100 trees already planted, and 200 more should be planted by Spring.
A total of $65,000 Recovery funding has been received for both phases, with $50,000 for Tupu Kai Community Gardens for Marae and northern communities, and $15,000 for the Fruit Tree initiative, which involved 30 groups and over 23 communities.

Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Harataunga students, Kaiako (teachers) and whānau planted fruit trees as part of their Matariki celebrations
Dog registrations are due
There are two weeks left to renew your dog registration before late penalties kick in from Thursday 1 August.

First-time registration: Come in to one of our offices and one of our friendly team will help.
Renewal: You can do this all online including payment.
Don’t hesitate – you’ll need to register your dog before 1 August to avoid late payment penalties.
More information
Representation Review 2024

Do you agree with our Representation Review ‘Initial Proposal’?
Last year, on 31 October 2023, our Council made a unanimous decision to establish at least one Māori Ward, and this triggered a Representation Review that will come into effect for our local body elections for October 2025.
After a preliminary survey in March of this year, we considered your input, explored some options, and agreed to an initial proposal in June. Now, we’d like to hear what you think about that proposal.
Public feedback is open until Friday 2 August - we encourage you take part in our quick and simple survey.
We're asking if you agree to our initial proposal for:
• an additional councillor to reflect the introduction of a Māori Ward; and
• a minor boundary change between the South East General Ward and Thames General Ward, and the Tairua-Pāuanui Community Board and Thames Community Board, that affects Neavesville Road and its surrounds.
What's next?

Read more and give feedback here
Download a hard copy of the feedback form
Waste minimisation initiatives
Workshops on reducing waste
Our Council is pleased to announce that we have arranged for waste education sessions with Kate Fenwick (nee Meads) from Waste-Ed with Kate this coming August.
Kate will be running two sessions across three towns in our district: The ‘Food Lovers Masterclass’, and ‘Cloth Nappies, Parenting and more’.
Get in quick as tickets for all sessions are limited.
Food Lovers Masterclass – evening sessions $10

The Food Lovers Masterclass is a hugely popular seminar on food waste reduction that provides great advice on how to reduce food waste in your household.
Topics include: Shopping Smarter, Storing Food Tips and Tricks, Planning Better, Best Before Dates vs Use-By Dates, What can you Freeze? And loads more…
• Whangamatā: Tuesday 27 August, 6-8pm; Whangamatā Bowling Club, 500 Rutherford Road
• Whitianga: Wednesday 28 August, 6-8pm; Mercury Bay Bowling Club, 92 Cook Drive
• Thames: Thursday 29 August, 6-8pm; Thames Civic Centre, 200 Mary Street
Register here
Cloth Nappies, Parenting and more – Online course + coffee group catch-up $10
Would you like to know more about how to reduce your waste as a parent or soon-to-be parent? Kate has just the course for you.
The topics cover: Waste-Free Parenting, Feeding & Baby Food, Cloth Nappies 101, Washing Cloth Nappies and more. This course is available online today. Please register your interest and we’ll get you all set up.
• Whangamatā: Tuesday 27 August, 10–11am
• Whitianga: Wednesday 28 August, 10–11am
• Thames: Thursday 29 August, 10–11am
Register here
Survey on takeaway cup use
We want to learn more about your cuppa – more specifically, your takeaway cuppa. Along with our neighbours, Hauraki and Matamata-Piako Districts, we’re keen to kōrero about your takeaway drink habits and what sort of cups people use for takeaway drinks.
Take our quick and easy survey and be in to win a $50 Prezzy Card – perfect for fuelling your next few coffee runs. Your feedback will help inform the sustainability choices in our region, so we appreciate your input – ka pai.
The survey closes Tuesday 30 July.
Take part in the survey
EQC becomes Natural Hazards Commission
The Earthquake Commission (EQC) has changed its name to the Natural Hazards Commission Toka Tū Ake, reflecting its role in supporting communities to prepare for and recover from a range of natural hazards, not just earthquakes.
The Natural Hazards Commission is the Government’s natural hazards insurance scheme. It provides baseline property cover for insured homeowners, and supports more resilient communities by raising awareness through research and education before events occur.
The new name is one of the changes introduced by the new Natural Hazards Insurance Act that came into force 1 July 2024 to update and modernise the legislation.
The Natural Hazards Commission is encouraging all homeowners to ‘know your cover’, including what’s covered and what’s not. Read more at www.knowyourcover.co.nz
Visit www.naturalhazards.govt.nz to learn more about the work NHC Toka Tū Ake is doing to reduce the impact of natural hazards on people, property and the community and follow them on LinkedIn and Facebook.
Find out more
What's on?
Get ready to kōrero with Creative Conversations

Hey Tairua and Pāuanui… Creative Coromandel is coming to kōrero with you to learn about your creative mahi and to introduce you to initiatives that can help amplify your creative practice. This is an excellent opportunity to socialise, network and connect with others.
This is not your boring sit-down hui with a pen and paper… but an invitation to a great night out, good kai and forging new connections. Drop them a line at the email below to let them know you're coming along.
Date: Wednesday 28 August
Time: 5:30 – 7:30pm
Venue: Tairua Golf Club, 284 Main Road, Tairua
RSVP: info@creativecoromandel.co.nz
Pare Hauraki Nursery Public Open Day

Don't miss out – the Pare Hauraki Nursery is holding an open day on Saturday 20 July from 10am to 2pm.
You’ll find a variety of native plants, all locally sourced and grown with care. Whether you’re working on a large-scale revegetation project or just looking for a single plant to brighten up your garden, the Pare Hauraki Nursery has something to suit your needs.
The Pare Hauraki Nursery is a supportive employer on the Mayor’s Task Force for Jobs (MTFJ) programme, which our Council participates in. This initiative helps ensure that young people under 25 are engaged in education, training, work, or other positive activities. By employing local youth, we contribute to their growth and the economic well-being of our community.
Find out more
Regional Event Fund now open
Applications are now open for the final round of The Coromandel Regional Events Fund (REF), a government-supported initiative put in place in 2021 as part of COVID recovery plans.
The Coromandel’s REF is a seed fund to help new and existing events build long-term sustainable platforms and growth. The purpose of the fund is to stimulate ‘out of region’ visitation by supporting events that attract expenditure to help replace the loss of international visitors due to COVID travel restrictions.
Applications close Thursday 25 July at 5pm.
Click here for the application portal
Find out more information
Predator Free webinar
Tourism Industry Aotearoa are running a webinar with Predator Free New Zealand Trust.
Topic: Predator Free - Trapping, Tools, Tech and Tourism
Date: Thursday 1 August 2024
Time: 2pm
They will chat with tourism operators deep in the mahi, discuss advantages of community groups and look at new tools and technology with Predator Free 2050 Limited.
Register here
Whitianga Summer Concert – get your tickets
Come and celebrate 15 years of the Summer Concert Tour with Cold Chisel, Icehouse, Bic Runga and everclear.
There is a limited number of locals tickets still available for the Whitianga Summer Concert.
These tickets can be purchased from both the Whitianga and the Pāuanui Information Centres.
General and VIP tickets can be purchased through the Moshtix Website.
Adoptable dog of the week
Meet our newest adoptable dog: Tiger
Tiger is a 4-year-old Oz Cattle dog with a sweet and well-behaved nature. He would make a great family member. We're hoping to find him a loving home that he can settle into and enjoy.

If you are interested in adopting a dog, please contact us on 07 868 0200. Once your interest is known, a Dog Control Officer will be in contact with you to discuss the adoption and carry out the appropriate checks, this may include a visit to your property.