Community Boards recap, Business Awards tickets and more local updates

Published on 20 September 2024


Community Board Meeting Highlights

Our Community Boards had a round of meetings over the last fortnight. All the Boards received an Emergency Management Unit update: 

  • More than $170 million has been spent on cyclone recovery, most of it on road repairs. Much of the sum was secured from government funding.  
  • Our district’s roading repairs should be complete by mid-2025. 

For more information you can view our Social Recovery Update here.

Tairua-Pāuanui Community Board

At its meeting last week, the Board approved Discretionary funding to five applicants: 

  • Tairua Pāuanui Promotions Trust received $11,500 towards annual New Years Eve fireworks display
  • Tairua Pāuanui Promotions Trust received $3,500 towards cost of mail out for sponsorship for fireworks 
  • Tairua Elim Church received $4,000 towards cost of running the Light Party Event at Pepe Reserve
  • Age Concern Hauraki received $250 towards meeting room hire at Pāuanui Hub 
  • Pāuanui Ratepayers & Residents Association received $434 towards rabbit control in Pāuanui

Total funds requested was $19,684 of the total Tairua-Pāuanui Community Board Discretionary Fund balance of $46,350. Remaining funds are $26,666.  

Pāuanui Wastewater Treatment Plant Odour Control Project  

This project involves supply, installation and commissioning of the new odour control system and maintenance of the existing odour scrubber. The biofilter is currently being manufactured and a contract for works is being confirmed. Construction is expected be completed by 30 November 2024. 

Whangamatā Community Board

 At its meeting last week, the Board approved the following grants from its discretionary fund: 
  • Whangamatā Ocean Sports Club - $1,000 towards costs of the kids fishing at the wharf event 
  • Whangamatā Summer Festival - $2,000 towards tent hire for festival markets 
  • Whangamatā Community Library - $747 to help with accounting charges 
  • Arts Collective Whangamatā - $750 to help with accounting charges
  • Enterprise Whangamatā - $750 to help with accounting charges 
  • Whangamatā Bridge Club - $2,000 to help fund a card dealing machine 
  • Whangamatā Community Patrol - $10,000 to help buy a new vehicle 
  • Whangamatā Real Estate - $2,000 to help with the Christmas Fair at Williamson Park 
  • Whangamatā Rugby and Sports Club - $2,000 to help host Thames Valley Rep Games 

The Board also recommended that Council approve a zebra crossing for Martyn Rd near the intersection with Aickin Rd. 

Thames Community Board

At its meeting last week:

  • A new 9-year lease was granted to the Citizens Advice Bureau to occupy their current premises at 301d Queen Street, Thames.
  • Work was approved to create safer parking for families visiting Porritt Park. New accessible parallel car parking spaces are being planned outside the park’s public toilet, with a separation marked between carparks and traffic lanes.
  • Initial work is underway on new public toilets for the Kōpū and Waikawau boat ramps which should be completed by June 2025. A procurement plan has been approved and signed to build the toilets, which are two of seven new toilets around the district. The public conveniences are largely funded by the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) through their Tourism Infrastructure Fund (TIF), as well as contributions from our Council and community groups.

Coromandel-Colville Community Board

At its meeting this week, the Coromandel-Colville Community Board: 

  • Discussed the issue of reducing speed limits in the Little Bay Area to address safety concerns for tamariki. Our Council continues to wait on central government for clearer guidance around what new legislation will contain. 
  • Received an update on the carpark area at the back of Hauraki House. It is budgeted to receive a full refurbish in the 2025/26 financial year. 
  • Received the first capital works programme for the new financial year – the programme for streetlight renewals is currently being scoped.  

Mercury Bay Community Board

At its meeting this week, the Board recommended that Council approve the final right of renewal of three years for the Whitianga Information Centre Charitable Trust’s lease of their info centre site at 66 Albert Street. Once Council approves this at its next meeting, the lease will be extended to 30 November 2027. 

The Board also agreed on the name Ara Matā for a road being created in a new subdivision at Cooks Beach. 


Richardsons Hauraki Coromandel Business Awards

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Thank you to our Little Bay dune planters

Community volunteers joined with our Council earlier this month to plant more 500 plants to help stabilise the sand dunes at Little Bay in Coromandel-Colville. The new plantings, which include Knobby club rush, Spinifex,  Pingao and Pohuehue, will help bind the dunes, and increase their resilience to weather events.

Many thanks to Little Bay volunteers Pat Turner, Sandra Dudson, Lyn-Marie, Steph Parykn, and to Danny and his tractor, who gave up their time and resources to help, and to our Coastal Restoration Coordinator, other Council staff and our Coastal Kaitiaki Cadets. Together we can make a difference. 

Find out more

Project Updates:

Buffalo Beach seawall

Buffalo Beach erosion 26 July 2024 (8).JPGErosion from Cyclone Gabrielle took out a section of Whitianga’s Buffalo Beach foreshore approaching State Highway 25. The plan is to extend the existing rock protection by about 30 metres north while gradually tapering it to help minimise the ‘end effects’ of wave action on the end of the proposed wall, a byproduct of all coastal hard structures.

Waikato Regional Council and our Council (via an independent commissioner) have both issued the necessary consents, and our Council appreciates the community’s patience while these consents were processed.

The next steps are to finalise the design, secure quotes from contractors, award the contract and then complete the work.

Whitianga Esplanade Redevelopment Project

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Over the last few months we’ve been having initial discussions with a wide range of local waterfront users and businesses to listen to their needs and aspirations in the early stages of exploring options for the Esplanade redevelopment.  

There is a wide variety of user types in the area, from commercial fishing and tourism charter operators on the wharf, local bars and retaurants, the marina, game fishing club, coastal guard and harbour master, local iwi, event organisers, families at the playground and recreational boaties using the boat ramp – all in close proximity.   

The redevelopment would look at allowing for growth in the activities there and alleviate the health and safety issues. 

One of the issues identified at our meetings with waterfront users is the challenging topic of boat ramps and the need for alternative overflow trailer parking sites during peak times. Using Hilton Park near the Robinson Road boat ramp was raised as a possibility for overflow parking during peak periods, and this evening are meeting with neighbourhood residents to hear what they think. 

These discussions have all been part of early consultation with key users, businesses, and residents on the Esplanade redevelopment project. There will be wider public engagement once we have developed some feasible options for the community to consider.  

No decisions have been made on any aspects of the redevelopment, except the allocation of funding in the Long Term Plan. 

See more

Road closure notice: Jacobs Ladder, Thames

A road closure is required to complete pole replacement work on Jacob's Ladder (Heale Street end).
Work is due to start on Friday 27 September 2024, 8:00am – 4:30pm. 

Residents will be able to access their properties during the closure times, along with provisions for emergency vehicles in place, however pedestrians will not have access to Jacob's Ladder during this time.

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Amodeo Bay retaining wall works

  • Our Contractor Kelsey Construction is building an anchored timber retaining wall at Colville Rd RP 16.358 km, Amodeo Bay (see location below).
  • The work will repair storm damage and restore Colville Rd to two full lanes.
  • Work will start on Monday 23 September 2024 and should be completed by mid-December 2024, weather allowing.
  • Traffic management will be in place afterhours, with one lane open under traffic signals from 5pm – 9am.
  • During the day, from 9am to 5pm, the road will be fully closed for 50-minute intervals, with 10min openings on the hour, every hour.
  • Emergency vehicles and rubbish recycling trucks will be given access at all times.
Thank you for your patience as we get the repairs completed - you can stay up to date at


Caulerpa Controlled Area Notices to remain in place and unchanged  

2023Caulerpanewsletterheader-9900000000079e3c.jpg The Ministry for Primary Industries’ legal controls banning some anchoring and fishing activities at Aotea, Ahuahu (Great Mercury Island) and Te Rāwhiti Inlet will be extended for another year. 

The Controlled Area Notices (CANs) were set to expire on 30 September 2024 and are now rolled over until 30 September 2025. 

The decision to leave the controls in place follows considerable discussion with affected people and communities, as well as an online survey. 

Find out more 

Before, during and after an emergency what matters most?

Waikato-Region-CDEMG-2017-web.png The Waikato Civil Defence Emergency Management (CDEM) Group is undertaking a review of their Strategic Plan (Group Plan), which sets out the priorities for regional emergency management for the next five years (this plan is reviewed every five years). 

What matters most to you and your whānau before, during and after an emergency? By sharing your thoughts, you'll help shape the goals and priorities for emergency management in our region, ensuring they can better enable and support our community.

Your input before 10am Monday 23 September is invaluable.

See more

What's on in The Coromandel?


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Opportunities at our Council 

325896691_3657465731156174_1912801332526301736_n-990000079e028a3c.jpgOur current job vacancies are: 

Apply here


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