Manaia's Tupu Kai community garden, Colville Road temporary closures
Published on 23 August 2024
Manaia garden grows community resilience
Community members, students at Te Wharekura o Manaia, kuia and kaumātua gathered to share kai and a blessing to mark the opening of Manaia’s new community garden, Te Pikorua o Rongo, on Friday 16 August.
Manaia community members, Ally and Andy Brown, have played a guiding role in bringing Te Pikorua o Rongo to fruition, with the help of Cyclone Recovery funding of $10,500. The Tupu Kai (grow the food) initiative is designed to help smaller, rural communities like Manaia become more resilient when isolated by emergency events.
All plants and fruit trees have been paid for using recovery funding the government granted our Council, and more garden beds and ‘rows’ will be added as the garden continues to grow. Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiārangi will partner with a local kaiako (teacher) to run gardening courses for the community and students, and pupils will be able to gain credits.
Pātaka kai shelves are also planned for the roadside, to share extra produce with the community.
Wilding pines to be removed from Whangamatā’s Hauturu Island
Waikato Regional Council is funding work to remove wilding pines from Hauturu (also called Clark) Island, just off Whangamatā beach, starting next Tuesday 27 August. The work is expected to be completed by Friday 30 August.
The Island will be closed to the public during this time. A site-specific safety plan will be in place to keep all those involved safe. To minimise disturbance, we ask that everyone please stay off the Island.
The island’s tangata whenua guardians, Tunaiti Kaitiaki Rōpū, are leading the work, with funding from the regional council’s Priority Biodiversity budget. A specialist contractor has been hired to fell larger pines and drill and poison smaller trees. All the pines will be left where they fall to decompose.
The work will address the rising number of wilding pines on the island, which endangers native ecosystems and archaeological sites. It’s part of ongoing efforts to restore the original native biodiversity of Hauturu and its three neighbouring islands.
Jacob Dextor, WRC Biodiversity Sites Lead explains, “The Waikato Regional Council recognises the importance of Hauturu Island’s ecological, cultural, landscape and recreational values, not only for its hapu owners, but also for the Whangamatā community and visitors alike. Wilding conifers pose a significant risk to these values. Council is pleased to partner with the island’s owners, Tunaiti Kaitiaki Rōpū, on a project to eradicate wilding conifers from the island.”
We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding and patience.
Find out more from WRC Wilding conifers explained
Stop/stop Road Closures on Colville Rd
Due to unforeseen soft ground conditions, Colville Rd at about 4.8km from Coromandel Town will have 50-minute closures with 10-minute openings at the top of each hour on Monday 26 August, and Tuesday 27 August. These closures will be in effect between 9am and 3pm.
The road will be closed to accommodate drilling equipment, which is essential for the installation of anchor rods. This work is to repair a dropout remaining from last year's storms so that the road can be restored to two full lanes by about the end of October.
We appreciate your understanding and patience during this necessary work.
Visit our roading page
Pāuanui RTS temporary closure
Pāuanui Refuse and Recycling Transfer Station will be temporarily closed for three days from Tuesday 27 to Thursday 29 August for repairs. While the site is closed, please use the permanent drop-off area at the entrance to the site, or alternatively travel to Tairua Refuse and Recycling Transfer Station on Red Bridge Road. The expected reopening is Friday 30 August.
Weed Control in our District
The removal of Onehunga (prickle) weed will be carried out in areas of our District from 30 August to 30 September between the hours of 7am-2pm.
The application of the chemical, known as Clopyralid, will be carried out by knapsack, boom sprayer and spray gun in Pāuanui, Whangamatā, Mercury Bay, Thames, Thames Coast and Coromandel.
Signage will be used at all appropriate areas.
E Pā Wars tournament
The E Pā Wars at the Thames War Memorial Civic Centre kicked off today with local schools taking part in a series of workshops, including VR goggles, games, and animation.
E Pā Wars" is a dynamic, online-based competition that blends digital innovation with real-world engagement.
This event, run by Ngāti Tamaterā, in collaboration with, DOC, Te Hapori Matihiko, and Te Matara aims to inspire rangatahi | youth to get interested in digital technology and innovation. Around 200 students attended. Tomorrow, whānau and the broader community will have the opportunity to join in on the fun.
To help with the event our Council waved the hall hire fee.
Have your say on two bylaws
We’re seeking public feedback on our proposals for a new Parking Bylaw and for changes to our Traffic Bylaw. Follow the links below to find out what’s proposed and how to give your feedback.
Parking Bylaw
Find out more about the proposed Bylaw and how to give your feedback.
Have your say

Traffic Bylaw
Find out more about the proposed changes to the Bylaw and how to give your feedback below.
Have your say
Rates notices coming late September
Notices for the first instalment of rates for the 2024/25 financial year are being sent from about 15 September, with payment due by 15 October.
Our online Rating Information Database (RID) is now available for you to check the rates for your property.
Did you know you can pay by direct debit?
We have some new options around direct debits, to make it easier for you to pay your rates through the year in regular payments: weekly, two fortnightly options, and monthly.
download the direct debit form from our website:
Click here
Moved recently? Update your address with us
If you’ve moved recently, please update your postal address with us so your next rates notice, posted in September, goes to your current address.
Would you prefer to receive your rates notice by email? Just let us know – email
Update your address
Calling all artists and creative groups
If you’re looking for help to bring your community arts project to life, the Creative Communities Scheme is your chance to secure funding.
Supported by Creative New Zealand, the scheme celebrates the arts and cultural diversity, and encourages young people to get involved in creative activities.
If you’re planning an exhibition, festival, workshop, or community arts project, applications are open until Monday 9 September.
To be eligible, you’ll need to focus on creating opportunities for community participation, supporting diverse cultural traditions, and encouraging young people to get creative.
Check out eligibility and download the application form here
Film festival kicks off the coromandel artbeat spring festival

Film buffs get ready – there’s a new Coromandel-centric film festival blossoming this spring in Whitianga, launching the second coromandel artbeat spring festival.
A collaboration between Creative Coromandel He Mana Toi Moehau and Twin Cinemas Whitianga, CoroCine will bring together Coromandel films and filmmakers in a locally focussed three-day programme from 6-8 September. It kicks off with Anton Steele’s The Z Nail Gang, based on real events that took place in Kūaotunu when locals fought back against an international mining company.
Anne-Maree McDougall, who owns the cinema with her husband Matt, has been a key driver in pulling CoroCine together. As well as celebrating local film, it aims to inspire people to begin making their own films.
Fiona Cameron, Chair of Creative Coromandel, is excited to see the momentum building for the second coromandel artbeat spring festival, which the charitable Trust created in 2023.
The online ‘umbrella’ festival has been designed to provide cover and promotion for all creative events on the Coromandel between September and December, from experimental community music to the iconic Coromandel Open Studios Arts Tour and Steampunk The Thames.
“Think of it as a ‘choose your own adventure’ art trail,” says Fiona. “People can map trips around the peninsula and plan a creative - and scenic – journey to meet the amazing artists who live in the Coromandel Hauraki rohe. There’ll be something to inspire and interest everyone.”
The ‘artbeat’ festival is free for any creatives to register an event.
Find out more
Visit the coromandel artbeat spring festival online
Creative Conversations
Hey Tairua and Pāuanui… don’t miss your chance this Wednesday to meet with Creative Coromandel. This is your chance to connect and collaborate with other creatives, and to be introduced to initiatives that can help you amplify your creative practice.
It's not your boring sit-down hui with a pen and paper… but a great opportunity to forge some new connections. Drop them a line at the email below to let them know you’re going.
Date: Wednesday 28 August
Time: 5:30 – 7:30pm
Venue: Tairua Golf Club, 284 Main Road, Tairua
Find out more
Community Conversation: Decade of Healthy Ageing

If you'd like to attend, please send an RSVP to
Community workshops on reducing waste
Food Lovers Masterclass – evening sessions $10

Are you tired of throwing uneaten food away? Learn how to shop, do meal prep and store food smarter, and save money along the way!
Gather useful tips, tricks and life hacks to help you reduce your food waste. Advance your food storage skills, and general food knowledge, and be inspired to make changes.
If you find yourself throwing out food that you never got around to eating, then this session is a must-attend! We guarantee you will take home some new knowledge to implement in your household.
• Whangamatā, Tuesday 27 August, 6-8pm; Whangamatā Bowling Club, 500 Rutherford Road
• Whitianga, Wednesday 28 August, 6-8pm; Mercury Bay Bowling Club, 92 Cook Drive
• Thames, Thursday 29 August, 6-8pm; Thames Civic Centre, 200 Mary Street
Cost: $10 (includes a high quality ‘waste-free storage’ gift pack worth $40)
Register here
Cloth Nappies, Parenting and more $10 online course + coffee group catch-up

Want to learn more about waste-free parenting and cloth nappies?
It's not too late to enrol in this excellent online course: Cloth Nappies, Waste-Free Parenting, and more. It's an online course with a coffee group catch-up where you can also collect a valuable 'free' cloth nappies gift pack. At $10 to enrol we think it’s exceptional value for money.
Here are the dates for the informal coffee group catch-up at all three towns, where, as well as collecting a cloth nappies gift pack, you can have a chat with Waste-Ed with Kate who’ll be on hand to chat and answer any questions.
• Whangamatā, Tuesday 27 August, 10–11am
• Whitianga, Wednesday 28 August, 10–11am
• Thames, Thursday 29 August, 10–11am
Register here
Photo competition
What does Our Coromandel and its people mean to you? Say it in photos.
Prizes of $100, $50 and $25 Prezzy cards are on offer for the three best photographs submitted of Thames-Coromandel District and its people.
Entries close Sunday 25 August.
What are we after?
We want photos of people in our district. We want the photos to show Coromandel’s famous spirit:
• people’s resilience, their grit, cheerfulness and self-help spirit
• the idea of ‘community’
• people getting on with life despite some tough years
• people working
• people opening for business
• young people paving the way for their future
• people loving and caring for the area’s beautiful environment.
Photos of 3MB or more in jpg or jpeg format are welcome. Make sure you get the permission of the people featured.
All the submitted photos will be considered for use in our Council’s communications.
Find out more here
Opportunities at our Council
At our Council we ensure work-life balance is not just a dream but a reality. We offer an array of staff benefits including flexible work arrangements, relocation allowance, sick leave on commencement of employment and more.
Our current job vacancies are:
• Harbour Facilities & Services Officer
Working with commercial and recreational users, providing monitoring and co-ordination of the use of harbour-based facilities and services.
• Environmental Health Team Leader
Exciting leadership position available in our Regulatory Team. Reporting to our Licensing and Compliance Manager you will be responsible for the Environmental Health Team.
• Environmental Health Officer
Responsible for registration and verification of food business, Food Safety Officer duties, inspection of premises registered under the Health Act 1956, assessing and investigating general health nuisances and more.
If you're interested in working for us, and there are currently no vacancies that fit your skillset and knowledge, please complete the expression of interest application via the link below.
For more information or to apply

Adoptable dog of the week
Nala is a female bull/cattle cross, approximately 10 months old.
She's a well-behaved girl who loves people.
Nala would make a fun-loving addition to any family.
For more information