Parks week, Thames resilience, what's on and more

Published on 28 February 2025

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Leaf it to us: Parks Week 2025

Parks Week is a time to celebrate the vital role parks play in creating livable towns and thriving communities. Our Council is excited to take part, offering activities for everyone to enjoy.

We have activities planned all around the district, ranging from story times outside the library to walks around Shakespeare Cliff.

For a full list of activates in your area, click on the button below.

What's happening in your area

Join us for Parks Week 2025

  • Story Time – Thames Library (Thursday, 9:30am)
  • Cycle Safety – Kuranui Bay to Cheese Barn Matatoki (Tuesday, 9am)
  • Find the Birds Game – John William Hall Arboretum (Thursday, all day)
  • Headstone Cleaning & Restoration Workshop – Totara Cemetery (Friday, 10am)
Mercury Bay
  • Story Time – Mercury Bay Library (Monday, 10am)
  • Shakespeare Cliff Walks – Shakespeare Cliff (Wednesday, all day)
  • Yoga & Meditation Session – Pāuanui Surf Club or Kennedy Park (Sunday, time to be confirmed)
  • Yoga & Meditation Session – Corey Wright Domain (Saturday, time to be confirmed)
Whangamatā & Onemana
  • Community Gardening Group – Whangamatā (Saturday, anytime)
  • Yoga & Meditation Session – Onemana (Friday, time to be confirmed)
  • Yoga & Meditation Session – Williamson Park (Saturday, time to be confirmed)

Check our socials next week (3-9 March) for confirmation of the times.

Coromandel Town
  • Where is that park?  Starting Monday 3 March, check out our Facebook page for a daily post featuring a park with gnomes—can you guess which park it is?
  • Plus, we’re running a competition to name the gnome. Get creative and be in to win—there are three chocolate bars up for grabs.

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To celebrate Parks Week 2025, our Council is supporting a free adult cycle ride from Thames to Matatoki Cheese Barn next week.

The rides begin at Rhodes Park at 9am on Tuesday 4 March and Wednesday 5 March.

People with a roadworthy bike and helmet are invited to join in on the fun, but bookings are essential.

People can call our Council on 07 868 0200 to book their place or find out more information.

For more about Parks Week and the national celebration, check out Parks Week 2025.

Want to know more about our parks?

Find out more Parks Find out more Tracks and Trails

Thames Protection & Resilience

FINAL Thames Protection and Resilience 24 March 2025 public meeting_WEB.png Want to be informed about Thames’ future? Come along to hear the latest findings on how we can protect Thames from risks of sea-level rise.

Get an update on how river flooding fits into the picture. We'll share what new river modelling work is telling us. We'll also discuss whether it might make sense to integrate coastal and river responses, and the impact that may have on costs.  Most importantly, it’ll be your chance to ask questions and contribute your views. Come along. Tell your friends. 

Where: Thames War Memorial Civic Centre 
When:  Monday 24 March 5.30-7pm (arrive at 5.15pm for a prompt start) 

Find out more

Matarangi Water Treatment Plant roof repairs – tree removal

Matarangi sand spit page 6.jpg As part of necessary repairs to the treated water reservoir roof at the Matarangi Water Treatment Plant, a few trees within our property boundary will need to be removed. These repairs are essential to maintaining reliable water treatment infrastructure. 

Key information: 

• These works are taking place 26 February to 7 March
• The tree removal is limited to our property and is necessary for the work. 
• Minor earthworks for trenching will also be carried out.
• Waikato Regional Council has been notified, and the work complies with all applicable regulations. 

We understand this area is significant to the community and appreciate your understanding as we complete these important upgrades.  

SH26 Onetai Bridge progress

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Good progress is being made in replacing the Onetai Bridge on State Highway 26 between Thames and Paeroa. 

New timber bridge beams and deck are expected to have been installed this week before new road approaches will be made, and the surface of the bridge sealed. 

NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi expects to have a further update next week on when the road will reopen but it is expected to begin with one-way traffic during the final stages of the project. 

A temporary pedestrian crossing installed for local school children and families, to ease the impact of the disruption while the road is closed, has been well used. 

Nau mai, haere mai to our new Citizens

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A huge welcome to the 30 individuals who have come from across the globe to make New Zealand—and specifically Thames-Coromandel—their new home. Our newest citizens come from India, South Africa, Fiji, and Turkey and became Kiwis in a ceremony in Thames yesterday. 

We’re thrilled to have you as part of our district.

Community Organisation Grants Scheme (COGS) Hauraki public meeting


Community organisations and the wider community are invited to attend the 2025 COGS Hauraki public meeting.

When: Monday 17 March
Time: 10:30am-12:30pm
Where: Thames War Memorial Civic Centre (conference room), 200 Mary Street, Thames

At the public meeting you can:

• Provide feedback around local needs and priorities for the funding committee to consider, when allocating the fund.
• Hear a report from the LDC Chair on the 2024/25 funding decisions.
• Learn more about COGS.
• Network and sharing information with other community organisations.

Please visit their website for more information.

If you are not able to make it to the face-to-face public meetings, you are invited to fill in the survey by 20 March 2025.

Complete the survey

Mercury Bay Day Camp returns

MB Camp.jpgRegistration for Mercury Bay Day Camp during the next school term holiday begins on Monday 3 March from 7am.

Day Camp at Cooks Beach offers children a great outdoor adventure and is overseen by The Mercury Bay Community Support Trust.

Helpers are drawn from local churches and from the community. The camp includes music, stories and fun in a large group, as well as elective activities in smaller groups such as archery, craft and beading, rock climbing wall, hut building and more.

The event is held on Tuesday 15 April to Thursday 17 April at Cooks Beach, with a teen leader training day on Monday 14 April. Children aged anywhere between 6 and 13 years old can take part.

Thames-Coromandel District Council provides financial support to the Mercury Bay Community Support Trust to run Day Camp.

Find out more

New sculpture for Thames’ entrance

Miners rail trail.jpg A magnificent new sculpture highlighting Thames’ historical mining past is now gracing Thames’ southern entrance to the town on the Hauraki Rail Trail path.  

Based on a concept by local artist John McKeowen, Miners’ Gates is constructed from old railway sleepers, referencing the structure of a mining tunnel as well as the historic rail lines of the area.  

It is great work by the Thames Public Art Trust. Although it’s on Council-managed land, no ratepayers’ funds have gone towards it. 

Events in our Area

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Not all heroes wear capes… some drive fire trucks, ambulances, and police cars. 

In partnership with Bluelight, Hauraki and Matamata-Piako district councils and our own Council's Emergency Management Unit, we’re hosting the ultimate Real-Life Superheroes Day. 

Date: Sunday 2 March 2025 
Time: 10am - 2pm 
Location: Paeroa Domain, 6 Willoughby Street 

Join us for an action-packed day as we honour our everyday heroes—Fire and Emergency NZ, Hato Hone St John, Police, and other incredible agencies that keep us safe in times of need. 

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Reducing food waste

Meal planning Love Food Hate Waste.jpg Did you know that over a third of New Zealand’s food waste happens in homes - costing the average Kiwi household $1,510 a year? Our partners at Love Food Hate Waste have launched a campaign on meal planning, as one of the most effective ways to reduce this waste, saving both money and the planet.  

Follow the four simple steps to meal planning: 

• Check your week 
Check what you’ve got
Choose your meals 
Create your list to save time, money and food! 

Check out more information at Love Food Hate Waste.

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