What’s your take on our future plans?
Published on 04 April 2024
Don’t miss your chance to share your feedback on the services, facilities and projects we’re proposing to deliver to our communities over the next 10 years and beyond.
There are some big challenges ahead for our district and your feedback will help inform our Councillors as they make decisions for our final Long Term Plan (LTP), which we’ll adopt in late June.
As well as setting the rates and the fees and charges for the coming 2024/25 financial year, our LTP outlines all things our Council does and how they fit together, what we’ll be doing over the plan's 10 year period, what it will cost and how we’re planning to fund it. Our consultation document is your road map to navigate our proposed plans and projects, and we’re also asking for your feedback on some of the challenges we’re facing.
Here are some of the issues we’re asking about:
- How to manage the rates increase to lessen the impact on our ratepayers – should we pay for increases straightaway, or spread them over two or three years? You can check your proposed rates for 2024/25 on our website.
- Options for future planning, so that our towns can grow and develop in a way that builds resilience.
- Investing in connected communities that can better respond to challenges such as severe weather events.

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Give us your feedback
What are my proposed rates for 2024/25?
Our 2024-34 LTP sets out a ‘just the essentials’ budget for our future planning that will make provision for the basics, such as repairing and improving our roading network, dealing with the effects of climate change, and supporting and growing our communities to become more resilient. There are a lot of mandatory projects we need to deliver, such as upgrading our water infrastructure to meet national standards, and there’s not a much room to move in our budget.
To achieve this, we’re proposing an average district-wide rates increase of 12.9 percent for the 2024/25 financial year to help us pay for the facilities and services we’re planning to deliver. How much you pay will depend on a number of things like the value of your property and the services it is rated for, and on the new district property valuations from QV. These have largely risen across our district, resulting in a large range of percentage increases.
Check your proposed rates for 2024/25
Median rating example by Community Board area
How can you give your feedback?
What are the next steps for our LTP?

Share your thoughts now
Visit our LTP feedback page
Give us your feedback