18 April: Resource Consent application, Whangamatā festival

No longer on display. Expired on 18 May 2024, 09:00 AM

Application: RCA/2024/60
Address/location: 309 Lincoln Rd, Whangamatā
Activity Status: Restricted Discretionary

Ollie Events Limited has applied for a restricted discretionary resource consent for a two-day outdoor youth festival/event to be held on 30 and 31 December, with alternative dates on either 1 and 2 January or 2 and 3 January, for up to 6,000 people at Aickin Road Sports Reserve for a term of five years.

The outdoor youth festival/event would not meet the permitted standards as it would exceed the permitted noise level of 40 dB on the site boundaries from 10:00pm to 12:10am and 70 dB LAF max; would occur for a consecutive period of more than 24 hours and will host up to 6,000 people. It is also proposed to generate over 100 vehicle trips which exceeds the permitted standards for vehicle trip generation.

Submissions close on 5.00pm Friday 17 May 2024.  

The application includes and Assessment of Environmental Effects which can be viewed alongside the accompanying information in this link:

View the Notification Information

If you would like to make a submission, please email planning.admin@tcdc.govt.nz or click here to view our submission form.

Submissions close on 5pm on Friday 17 May 2024.

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