2018 - 2028 Long Term Plan

Council adopted the final 2018-2028 Long Term Plan on 26 June 2018.
How we consulted on the LTP
Advertising and promotion of the Long Term Plan and opportunities to speak with staff ran on all major radio stations, and in all district wide and local newspapers leading up to and during the consultation. A rates demand insert was delivered to over 17,000 ratepayers' homes, with an email attachment included for another 1,000 or so. Billboards promoting the Long Term Plan consultation period were erected on major transport routes around the district. Promoted online advertisements for the Long Term Plan were targeted to Thames-Coromandel based users through Metservice, Google, Facebook and NZ Herald.
Public meetings
620 members of the public attended 19 public, ratepayer and school board of trustee meetings from 27 February to 11 April. Our staff also attended market days in Thames, Coromandel, Whitianga, Coroglen and Whangamata to speak with interested members of the public, to answer queries and to make consultation documents available.
Social media feedback
Regular polls on the major consultation proposals were run on Facebook throughout the consultation period, receiving 745 votes on the polls and 101 comments received on the posts. The greatest reach of any post was 6,583 people with all other posts ranging between 1,000 - 6,500 people reached.
Submissions and hearing process
Council received 785 submissions across the three separate consultations which were run as a single submission process to increase the ease of submitting for the public. 128 submitters spoke to their submissions at Council hearings in Whitianga and Thames from 1-3 May.
Meetings to deliberate on submissions received were held with Community Boards from 7-9 May and with Council on 15 and 16 May. Community Boards were asked to make recommendations on locally funded activities, as well as district funded submissions of interest in their area and Council’s proposals which were significant for the whole district.
“Thanks to everyone who made a submission,” says our Mayor Sandra Goudie. “The level of feedback has been outstanding and reflects the fact that people are really involved and interested in what’s going on.”
For more information on what we consulted about please read the consultation document which is available to download from the right hand side of the page with its supporting documents.
What does this mean for rates?

Community Board areas and average rate rises
Click on the tables to view larger versions.


Mercury Bay

