Long Term Plan 2012 - 2022

The Thames-Coromandel District Council delivered its second average rates decrease in as many years when it adopted the 2012 Ten Year Plan, just one part our plan to build a StrongerCoromandel.
In the 2011 financial year the average rate on the Coromandel decreased by 1% and in the 2012 financial year (from 1 July 2012), the Council has locked in an average decrease of over 5%.
Read the Plan
You can download the Ten Year Plan from the download box on the right-hand side of this page or you can contact us and we'll send you a copy of the plan. Copies are also available from our Service Centres.
Volumes and sections in the draft Ten Year Plan
Here's a summary of the volumes and sections in the Plan, so you can pick the bits that interest you, or if you like download the entire plan!
Volume one outlines the strategic direction of the Council, including our financial direction and detailed information about our services.
- Message from the Mayor and Chief Executive
- Summary of community feedback
- Our district and communities
- Building a stronger Coromandel
- Financial sustainability strategy
- Summary of proposed change
- Our services
- Audit opinion
Volume two contains the financial implications and forecasts section which provide detailed financial statements as well as the fees and charges schedule for the 2012/2013 year.
- Financial implications and forecasts.
- Financials for our services.
- Schedules of fees and charges for year one.
Volume three includes a summary of a number of policies that underpin how we manage our finances and make decisions relevant to this ten year plan. It also includes statements which provide further details on particular areas that inform our decisions.
- Revenue and Financing Policy.
- Rates Remission Policy.
- Local Authority Shared Service Limited.
- Local Government Funding Agency.
- Waste Management and Minimisation Plan.
- Water and Sanitary Assessment.
- Contribution to Decision Making by Māori.
- Council Controlled Organisation.
Average rate movements 2012/13
- District: -5.39%
- Thames: -9.38%
- Coromandel: -5.67%
- Mercury Bay: -2.50%
- Tairua/Pauanui: -7.81%
- Whangamata: -3.15%
Calculate your property's rates here
Ten year average rate movements
- District: 1.9%
- Thames: 1.9%
- Coromandel: 1.6%
- Mercury Bay: 2.1%
- Tairua/Pauanui: 1.6%
- Whangamata: 2.2%
Calculate your property's rates here
Key Highlights:
Projects and proposals that have been added to the Plan:
- Parawai stormwater upgrade in Thames ($1.4M in 2015/2016 - 2016/2017).
- Coromandel Sportsville investigation project ($21K in 2012/2013).
- Whitianga Town Hall upgrade investigation ($137,000 in 2021/2022).
- A contribution to the Tairua Indoor Sports Facility ($1.1M for 2021/2022).
- $4M contribution to community sports facilities for Thames ('Zoom-Zone' and Stadium between 2013 - 2017).
- Upgrade works for the Coromandel Citizens Hall ($97K in 2012/13).
- Community Centre for Pauanui ($25k in 2012/13 and $570K in 2013/14).
- Assisting the Mercury Bay Pool purchase a new pump and filter ($100,000 for 2012/2013).
- Upgrade works for the Coromandel Citizens Hall ($97k, 2012/2013).
- Funding for more campervan dump-stations ($70k, 2012/2013-2014/2015).
- Funding for Coromandel gateway signage welcoming visitors to our district ($53k, 2012/2013 - 2013/2014).
- $300,000 over two years for the construction of the Kopu-Kaiaua section of the Hauraki Rail Trail from 2013. (NB: to be granted only when the total funding required has been secured by the Rail Trail Charitable Trust from the other partner organisations and funders to consent and build the track).
- A feasibility study for the expansion of the Coromandel wharf to allow the passenger ferry to dock in town ($20k, 2012/2013).
- We have decided to partner in the development of four new strategies; events, economic development, youth, disability in the 2012/2013 year.
- A change to the remission for Land Held for Conservation and Preservation
Purposes. A rates remission is now only available for land covered by a Queen Elizabeth II Trust covenant (public access not required).
Projects and proposals that have been removed from the Plan:
- The 10% 'uniform annual general charge' (UAGC) for the water and waste water activities proposed in the draft plan was not adopted. Wastewater and water supply are district funded (area of benefit only - i.e. only those that are connected or have the ability to connect).
- Stormwater remains 'ward funded' as opposed to district funded (to be readdressed at the next Ten Year Plan in 2015).
- Whitianga wastewater disposal upgrade ($640,000 from 2012/2013).
- Grahams Stream water supply intake in Tairua ($2.1m from 2020/2021).
- Rates remissions for new subdivisions.
- Rates remissions for economic development.
Grants 2012/2013
- Surf Life Saving New Zealand ($105,978).
- Thames Valley Rural Fire District Committee ($77,925).
- Rescue helicopter ($25,000).
What is a Ten Year Plan?
The Local Government Act 2002 states that all Councils must produce a Ten Year Plan (to be revised every 3 years). The Plan is to ensure the Council:
- Provides a long-term focus for the decisions and activities of the local authority.
- Provides integrated decision-making and co-ordination of the resources of the local authority.
- Provides an opportunity for participation by the public in decision-making processes on activities to be undertaken by the local authority.
Matters Relating to the Electronic Presentation of the Report to readers of the Long-Term Plan
This audit report relates to the Long-Term Plan of Thames Coromandel for the ten years commencing 1 July 2012 included on the Council’s website. Thames Coromandel is responsible for the maintenance and integrity of its website. We have not been engaged to report on the integrity of Thames Coromandel’s website. We accept no responsibility for any changes that may have occurred to the Long‑Term Plan since they were initially presented on the website.
The audit report refers only to the Long‑Term Plan named above. It does not provide an opinion on any other information which may have been hyperlinked to or from the Long-Term Plan. If readers of this report are concerned with the inherent risks arising from electronic data communication they should refer to the published hard copy of the audited Long-Term Plan as well as the related audit report dated 27 June 2012 to confirm the information included in the audited Long‑Term Plan presented on this website.
Legislation in New Zealand governing the preparation and dissemination of financial information may differ from legislation in other jurisdictions.