Coastal Hazards Strategy Our Council adopted the Coastal Hazard Policy on August 7, 2018. This policy sets out our approach to sustainably managing the effects of coastal hazards on the district's coastal foreshore.
Coastal Activity and Coastal Management Strategy Read about our Coastal Activity and Coastal Management Strategy
Coromandel Arts and Creative Industries Strategy An over-arching Arts Strategy sets our aspirations for the arts sector and will help us not only support the arts already established in the Coromandel, but help us to lure and nurture new and upcoming artists to our district.
Coromandel Peninsula Blueprint The Coromandel Peninsula Blueprint, adopted by the Council in December 2009, is about managing change, growth and sustainable development on the Coromandel.
Marine and Harbour Facilities Strategy A Marine and Harbour Facilities Strategy was adopted by Council in December 2017.
Hauraki-Coromandel Recreational Biking Strategy The Hauraki-Coromandel Recreational Biking Strategy has been developed to understand how mountain biking experiences in the Coromandel can be improved and developed.