Positive Ageing Strategy
The Positive Ageing Strategy identifies and addresses the opportunities and challenges with our ageing population and ensure we play our part in giving older residents a society that values their contribution and encourages their participation.
What is positive ageing?
- Having a stable and secure income and the choice to work
- Maintaining good health and positive relationships
- The ability to make choices on where to live
- Access to transport
- Being supported to remain self-reliant
What’s a positive ageing strategy?
Central Government developed the New Zealand Healthy Ageing Strategy in 2016. It takes a life-course approach that seeks to maximise health and wellbeing for all older people. Our role is to advocate to various agencies the actions that this strategy contained.
Our own Council Direction is consistent with the goals of the New Zealand Healthy Ageing Strategy
What are the challenges?
Our district has a higher than average number of residents living in high deprivation and low income, particularly for people aged 65 and over. Because of this, Council is focused on keeping rates affordable and therefore has limited resources to implement new actions.
How can we help?
- Keeping our town centres safe
- Staying in tune with the needs of our older residents
- Encouraging an active ageing population through community facilities such as footpaths, parks, walkways, and other recreational facilities and programmes
- Using the strategy to guide Council decisions on considering the impacts on over 65 year olds
- Using the strategy as evidence of Council support by community groups in order to access funding for initiatives that enhance the wellbeing of over 65 year olds