Youth Strategy

Why do we need a youth strategy?

Youth advisory groups told us during our 2012-2022 Ten Year Plan submissions that a youth strategy was important. We took this on board and spent time meeting with stakeholders and engaging with young people to hear what everyone wanted to see happen.  The strategy was adopted by Council in September 2013 and re-confirmed in October 2020.

What is our Youth Strategy trying to do?

  • Bring agencies together
  • Share information and intelligence to provide both a local and district-wide picture
  • Consider alignment between national priorities and local practice and delivery currently
  • Identify gaps in service provision
  • Identify and create opportunities for youth
  • Focus collective resources where possible.

The Strategy is broken down into four principles:

  1.  A collaborative approach that respects each other's organisational mandates, skills, expertise, responsibilities and accountabilities.
  2. Focus on real needs - evidence based
  3. A preference for simplicity
  4. A positive action focus  (getting things done)

To read the full youth strategy click here.(PDF, 693KB)

Where to next?

We're encouraging all sectors to engage with and listen to our young people. It's important to have their voices heard and they want to have an opportunity to influence decision making which affects them

The strategy will be used to guide Council decisions on considering the impacts on youth.  It can also be used by community groups implementing initiatives that enhance the wellbeing of youth.

Milestone Dates

  • 2012 - Council commits to the development of a Youth Strategy in the 2012-2022 Ten Year Plan
  • 2013 - Council secures funding from Ministry of Youth Development to support young people to get involved in the implementation of the Strategy
  • 2013 - Council adopts its Youth Strategy
  • 2020 – Council resolves to retain the Youth Strategy