
We are responsible for the management of thirteen cemeteries within the Thames-Coromandel District. Of the 14 cemeteries, eight are currently open for burials, while six other cemeteries are no longer operational.


Most cemeteries operating in the Thames-Coromandel District cater for lawn plot burials. You must not plant vegetation or place structures, borders or any items on the plot itself.

Veterans Affairs has kindly provided grants for new flower vases to be installed in the Returned Services Sections of Totara, Mercury Bay and Buffalo cemeteries.

Work has started at Totara Cemetery with Mercury Bay and Buffalo cemeteries to follow. Any containers, including glass ones that are currently in the openings will be replaced with the new holders. Flowers, including artificial ones, will be placed back into the new holders.

We ask that you do not add any glass containers as a number have been found to be broken. This poses a health and safety issue for staff maintaining the cemeteries.