Schedule of Fees and Charges : Alcohol Charges

Alcohol Licencing Charges (set by Central Government)


The licensing system has five fee categories, which reflect the range of cost/risk ratings.

Total rating Fee category
0-2 Very low
3-5 Low
6-15 Medium
16-25 High
26 plus Very high

Determining a premise's cost/risk rating

Premises' cost/risk rating is determined by a combination of factors.

The table below shows how premises' cost/risk rating are determined. For example, a bottle store (scores 15) closing at 11:00 pm (scores 3) with two enforcements in the last 18 months (scores 20) would have an overall cost/risk rating of 38.

Licence type Type of premises Weighting
On-licence Class 1 restaurant, night club, tavern, adult premises 15
Class 2 restaurant, hotel, function centre 10
Class 3 restaurant, other 5
BYO restaurant, theatres, cinemas, winery cellar doors 2
Off-licence Supermarket, grocery store, bottle store 15
Hotel, tavern 10
Class 1, 2 or 3 club, remote sale premises, other 5
Winery cellar doors 2
Club licence Class 1 club 10
Class 2club 5
Class 3 club 2
Licence type Latest trading hour allowed by licence Weighting
On-licence or club licence 2:00am or earlier 0
Between 2:01am and 3:00am 3
Any time after 3:00am 5
Off-licence (excl. remote sales premises) 10:00pm or earlier 0
Any time after 10:00pm 3
Remote sales premises Not applicable 0
Licence type Number of enforcement holdings in last 18 months Weighting
All licence types None 0
1 10
2 or more 20



Application Fee - Payable by Applicant
Cost/risk fee category 2024/2025
Very low $368.00
Low $609.50
Medium $816.50
High $1,023.50
Very high $1,207.50


Annual Fee - Payable by Licencee
Cost/risk fee category 2024/2025
Very low $161.00
Low $391.00
Medium $632.50
High $1,035.00
Very high $1,437.50


All Other Fees
Description 2024/2025
Temporary Authority Per application $296.70
Temporary Licence $296.70
Special Licence Maximum 2 events $63.25
Special Licence Three - 12 events or one to three events that are of a medium size (100-400 attendees) $207.00
Special Licence For all other special licences that are large events $575.00
Permanent Club Charter Annual fee due on 30 June of each year and paid to ARLA. $632.50
Managers Certificate Per application $316.25
Public Notice Advertising Per application. $100.00
Appeal to ARLA Paid directly to ARLA. $517.50
Extract of register (ARLA or DLC) $57.50
Reissue of a current licence or managers certificate Non-statutory administration charge for reissuing or replacing a lost or damaged licence or certificate. $80.00