Schedule of Fees and Charges: Resource Consents

Timing of Payments

All the charges and amounts listed in this schedule (unless otherwise specified) are payable in advance of any action being undertaken by the Council. Pursuant to section 36AAB(2) of the Resource Management Act 1991, the Council need not perform the action to which the charge relates until the charge has been paid in full.

Fixed Initial Deposit Charges

Fixed Initial Deposit Charges are levied at the start of the application process and are payable prior to any work commencing on an application. Notwithstanding that a fixed initial deposit charge may be paid the Council will commence processing the application only when it is satisfied that the information received with the application is adequate. Fixed Initial Deposit Charges are not subject to the rights of objection and appeal.

Since resource consent applications can vary significantly in their content and nature, the Council cannot set one Fixed Initial Deposit Charge that would be fair and reasonable in every case. The fixed charges shown in the schedule are the minimum Fixed Initial Deposit Charge for that particular application category. A fixed charge higher than the minimum could be required and this would be dependent on the nature and scale of each specific application (see miscellaneous section). During the course of processing an application, the Council may charge additional charges in relation to costs incurred above the fixed charge already received. Pursuant to section 36AAB(2) of the Resource Management Act 1991, the Council reserves the right to cease or suspend processing of any consent where any amount invoiced remains unpaid.

The Fixed Initial Deposit Charges this year have been increased to more closely reflect the actual costs of processing the applications, which will then allow for a quicker issuing of the completed consents. For the larger and more complex applications additional 'Fixed Initial Deposits' may be required or more frequent invoicing may occur.

For public notified and limited notified resource consents there is an additional 'Fixed Initial Deposit Charge', which needs to be paid before the notified process is begun, to cover the costs of notification. For applications that require a hearing it is likely there will be further costs and applicants may be required to pay these prior to the commencement of the hearing.

Any unused portion of your deposit will be refunded.


Additional Charges

Additional charges will be required under section 36(5) of the Resource Management Act 1991 where the fixed charge is inadequate to enable the Council to recover its actual and reasonable costs relating to any particular application.

An additional charge to recover actual and reasonable costs will be made where the costs exceed the fixed charge paid.

Additional charges may be invoiced on a monthly basis as they are incurred.


Set fees

Set fees are payable at the time of application and no additional charges will be made.

Pre application meetings on larger resource consent applications (as determined by the Development Planning Manager, Principal Planner or Senior Planner  Set Fee $395.00
Pre-lodgement meetings  Set Fee $100.00

Applications for Resource Consent 

NB: In addition to the listed charge, all land use consent applications (except those for outline plans) incur a monitoring charge as detailed below.

Non-notified Applications

The following fixed charges apply for non-notified applications for land use consent: 

A.  Controlled activities (Fast Track)   Fixed Initial Deposit Charge $2,200.00 
B.  Restricted discretionary activities Fixed Initial Deposit Charge $2,750.00
C.  Discretionary activities Fixed Initial Deposit Charge $3,300.00
D.  Non-complying activities Fixed Initial Deposit Charge $4,400.00
E.  Boundary activities, providing written approvals have been provided by the affected parties  Fixed Initial Deposit Charge  $825.00

Notified Applications 

The fixed initial deposit charge for any limited notified application for land use consent will be the amount required for a non-notified application of the same type plus $6,000.00  Fixed Initial Deposit Charge  As above plus $6,000.00 
The fixed initial deposit charge for public notified land use applications will be the amount required for a non-notified application of the same type plus $15,000.00 (For larger or more complex applications, the fixed charge for notified applications may be increased to $20,000.00 at the discretion of the Development Planning Manager. This is to cover increased notification costs associated with the application including publicity, organising the hearing and expert referrals etc.) Fixed Initial Deposit Charge As above plus $15,000.00

Actions Related to All Types of Land Use Consent 

Signing fees are included: 

A. Preparation and signing of any bond, covenant, legal document or variation thereto required as a condition of consent (Resource Management Act 1991 Sections 108 and 109)  Fixed Initial Deposit Charge $345.00 
NB: The Council will meet the actual internal legal costs associated with covenant document preparation where covenants are entered into on a voluntary basis
B. Application to extend time in respect of any bond, covenant or consent notice (Resource Management Act 1991 Sections 108 and 109)  Fixed Initial Deposit Charge  $345.00
C. Bond discharges plus actual time for inspections   Fixed Initial Deposit Charge  $370.00

Monitoring of Resource Consents 

There shall be a charge for every resource consent (which will be refunded if consent is refused) relating to the monitoring and associated administration of the consent (Resource Management Act Section 36(1)(c)).

There are two levels of monitoring fees: 

A. To monitor progress with giving effect to the consent and compliance with consent conditions for minor resource consents  Initial Fixed Deposit Charge  $495.00 
B. To monitor progress with giving effect to the consent and compliance with consent conditions for all other resource consents  Initial Fixed Deposit Charge  $825.00
NB: For larger applications that have numerous conditions or require specialist input such as engineers or other specialists for auditing expert reports this fee will be increased to cover these additional costs    
If adverse effects arise from the development, or breaches of conditions are continuing, or repeated, and Council officers determine that more site visits are required, a per visit charge applies  Additional Charge  $165.00
NB: Any additional charges of Council monitoring officers will be charged at $165 per hour. Any additional charges for specialist time in connection with monitoring and compliance of conditions of the resource consent will be charged at the relevant hourly rate or the actual cost to cover these additional costs.    

Applications for Subdivision Consent

Non-notified Applications 

The following fixed charges apply for non-notified applications for subdivision consent: 

A. Controlled activities, rights-of-way  Fixed Initial Deposit Charge  $2,200.00
B. Restricted discretionary activities  Fixed Initial Deposit Charge  $2,750.00
C. Resource Management Act 1991 Section 226 certificates Fixed Initial Deposit Charge $1,650.00
D. Discretionary activities Fixed Initial Deposit Charge $3,300.00
E. Non-complying activities Fixed Initial Deposit Charge $4,400.00

Notified Applications 

The deposit for any limited notified subdivision application will be the fixed charge required for the non-notified application of the same type plus $6,000.00  Fixed Initial Deposit Charge  As above plus $6,000.00 
The fixed charge for public notified applications for subdivision will be the amount required for a non-notified application of the same type plus $15,000.00 (For larger or more complex applications, the fixed charge for notified applications may be increased to $20,000.00 at the discretion of the Development Planning Manager. This is to cover increased notification costs associated with the application including publicity, organising the hearing expert referrals etc.)  Fixed Initial Deposit Charge  As above plus $15,000.00

Actions Related to all Types of Subdivision Consent 

Signing fees are included except where stated. 

A. Resource Management Act 1991 Section 223 certificates (Section 305, Local Government Act) survey plan approval Fixed Initial Deposit Charge  $415.00
B. Preparation and signing of any bond, covenant, legal document or variation thereto required as a condition of consent or to enable the issue of a completion certificate (Resource Management Act 1991 Sections 108 and 109) Set Fee $420.00 plus document preparation
C. Updating cross lease flats plans, plus signing 223c, 224c, 224f etc and property charges subdivisions completions, processing, inspections and signing of 224c or equivalent certificates Set Fee $660.00 plus certificate signing fees
  • For 1 additional lot and boundary change
Fixed Initial Deposit Charge $660.00
  • Between 2 and 5 lots
Fixed Initial Deposit Charge $1,100.00
  • 5 Lots and 10 lots and unit titles up to 10 lots
Fixed Initial Deposit Charge $2,750.00
  • 11 lots and above and unit titles of more than 11 lots
Fixed Initial Deposit Charge $5,500.00
D. Preparation of any consent notice Set Fee $350.00
E. Change or cancellation of consent notice Fixed Initial Deposit Charge $470.00
F. Property File Creation Set Fee Per Lot $75.00
G. Application to extend time in respect of any bond, covenant under Resource Management Act 1991 Sections 108, 109 and 222(2) Fixed Initial Deposit Charge  $360.00 plus inspection costs
H. Bond discharges Fixed Initial Deposit Charge $365.00
I. Approvals and certificates under Part XXI Local Government Act - signing fees Fixed Initial Deposit Charge $355.00
J. Cross-lease amendments (signing fee not included) Fixed Initial Deposit Charge $355.00
K. Easement approvals - report and certificate (Resource Management Act 1991 Section 243) Fixed Initial Deposit Charge $355.00
L.  Revocation of easements - report and certificate (Resource Management Act 1991 Section 243) Fixed Initial Deposit Charge $355.00
M. Resource Management Act 1991 Section 224f and S32(2) (a) unit titles Set Fee $300.00

NB: All charges, plus any additional charge outstanding from the processing of the subdivision consent, must be paid prior to the release of the Section 224 Certificate

Engineering Charges

Basic engineering plans and engineering works inspections (generally 1 to 4 lots)  Fixed Initial Deposit Charge $715.00 
Complex Engineering Plans and Engineering works inspections (generally 5 lots or more) Fixed Initial Deposit Charge $1,760.00
Supervision of work Actual Cost Actual Cost

Applications for Requirements for Designations and Heritage Orders

Non-notified Applications

The following fixed charges apply for non-notified applications for requirements for designations or heritage orders:  

A. Requirements for designation Fixed Initial Deposit Charge  $3,300.00 
B. Requirements for alteration to a designation Fixed Initial Deposit Charge $2,750.00
C. Requirements for removal of a designation Fixed Initial Deposit Charge $825.00
D. Applications to determine that a designation should not lapse under Resource Management Ac 1991 Sections 184(1)(b) and 2(b) Fixed Initial Deposit Charge $660.00
E. Requirements for heritage orders Fixed Initial Deposit Charge $1,100.00
F. Requirements for the removal of heritage orders Fixed Initial Deposit Charge $825.00
G. Outline Plans (Resource Management Act 1991 Section 176A) Fixed Initial Deposit Charge $600.00
H. Waiver of requirement for outline plan (Resource Management Act 1991 Section 176A(2)) Fixed Initial Deposit Charge $385.00

Notified Applications 

The fixed charge for any notified notice of requirement or heritage order will be the fixed charge required for a non-notified application of the same type plus $6,000.00  Fixed Initial Deposit Charge As above plus $6,000.00 


The requiring authority or heritage protection authority shall pay the actual and reasonable costs incurred by the Council in monitoring the condition of notices of requirement and heritage orders (Section 36(1)(d))  Fixed Initial Deposit Charge  $330.00 

Resource Consent Miscellaneous Charges 

Signing fees are included: 

A. Applications for extensions of time (Resource Management Act 1991 Sections 125(b), 126(b)) Fixed Initial Deposit Charge $825.00
B. Change, review or cancellation of consent conditions (Resource Management Act 1991 Sections 127-132) Fixed Initial Deposit Charge $825.00
C. Preparation of minor covenants or any variations thereto Fixed Initial Deposit Charge $385.00
D. Certificates of compliance or existing use certificates (Resource Management Act 1991 Section 139 & 139A) Fixed Initial Deposit Charge $1,100.00
E. Exemption notice for marginal or temporary non-compliance (S87BB) Fixed Initial Deposit Charge $1,100.00
F. Easement approvals (Local Government Act Section 348) Fixed Initial Deposit Charge $825.00
G. Preparation of any document, encumbrance or certificate for the purposes of the Overseas Investment Commission or for any purpose under any such enactments or regulations Set Fee $1,100.00
H. Resource management planning certificates under the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012 Set Fee $385.00
I. Every other certificate, authority, approval, consent, or service given, or inspection made by the Council under any enactment or regulation not otherwise mentioned elsewhere in this schedule where such enactment contains no provision authorising the Council to charge a fee and does not provide that the certificate, authority, approval, consent, service or inspection is to be given or made free of charge. Including documentation required for the attachment of Council Seal and signing by authorised officers. Set Fee $130.00
J. Fee for uplifting of building line restrictions  Set Fee $660.00
K. Site visit Set Fee $275.00
L. Document lodgement Set Fee $75.00
M. Discharges of memorandum of encumbrances (includes legal, monitoring, signing and LINZ registration fee) Fixed Initial Deposit Charge $880.00
N. Objections lodged under Section 357 and 357A
Where a hearing is required a hearing fee will also be charged
 Fixed Initial Deposit Charge $715.00

Fixed Initial Deposit Charges 

A. Any fixed charge required under this schedule of charges for any application for a resource consent or requirement for designation or heritage order may be increased where the matter to which the charge relates has any of the following attributes:   The Fixed Initial Deposit Charge* that would otherwise apply and:
  •  It is a large development proposal
Fixed Charge  plus 200%
  •   It is likely to involve significant potential effects on the environment
Fixed Charge plus 200%
  •  It involves major policy issues
Fixed Charge plus 100%
  • It is likely to involve the Council in significant research or investigation
Fixed Charge plus 200%
  • It will involve the notification of over 35 parties
Fixed Charge plus 200%
  • It is a subdivision involving more than 10 lots
Fixed Charge plus 100%
  • It is a subdivision involving more than 50 lots
 Fixed Charge plus 200%
B. The Planning Manager shall have the right to vary fixed charges and final charges for heritage order requests if, in his or her opinion, some of the benefits are to the community as a whole
C. Where a notified application involves both a land use and subdivision consent, then only one fixed charge for a notified application may be required   *Where more than one of the attributes listed applies, the % increase shall be applied only once at the greater of the rates that apply


A. For the hearing of any application made under the Resource Management Act 1991 a charge will be made of the costs of planning staff and technical advisers   Part of Processing Costs 
B. The actual costs of employing external Commissioners to hear any application will be charged to the applicant   Actual Cost
C. Should a submitter request that the hearing be heard by an external Independent Commissioner, then the submitter will be responsible for the difference in costs between a Council determined decision and an Independent Commissioner decision   Difference in costs between a Council determined decision and an Independent Commissioner decision
D. In instances where an applicant does not give at least 48 hours written notice of a request for cancellation, withdrawal or postponement of a scheduled hearing, the Council reserves the right to charge the applicant the actual costs incurred in preparing for the scheduled hearing Fixed Charge Actual costs incurred in preparing for the scheduled hearing
E. Pre-hearing meetings (Section 99) Fixed Initial Deposit Charge $880.00

Independent Commissioner Review - Development Contributions 

For the reconsideration of any application made under Section 199A(1) of the Local Government Act 2002 a charge will be made of the costs of staff time and technical advisers.  As Incurred  Actual Cost
The actual cost of employing an Independent Commissioner to hear any application will be charged o the applicant. As Incurred Actual Cost
Additional charges (e.g. disbursements, legal costs and administration). As Incurred Actual Cost

Additional Charges 

Planners  Per Hour  $200.00 
Team Leader Per Hour $220.00
Planning Manager Per Hour $240.00
Development Engineers Per Hour $200.00
Development Engineering Specialist advice Per Hour $250.00
Administration Per Hour $100.00
Council disbursements including: 
Advertising As Incurred Actual Cost
Photocopying As Incurred Actual Cost
Postage As Incurred Actual Cost
Printing As Incurred Actual Cost
Telecommunication As Incurred Actual Cost
Travel Time As Incurred Actual Cost
Vehicle Milage As Incurred Actual Cost
Consultants Costs As Incurred Actual Cost
Legal Costs As Incurred Actual Cost
Hearing costs including Commissioner costs, site visits, and meals As Incurred Actual Cost
Costs paid by the Council to government departments and Waikato Regional Council for charges made to the Council for their input into any application, certificates or other Resource Management Act 1991 process As Incurred Actual Cost

Review of Resource Consent Conditions 

Review of resource conditions under Sections 128, 129 of the Resource Management Act 1991. The fixed charge is an estimated initial fee but should the application require notification and hearing, then the actual charges will increase significantly.  Fixed Charge $1,760.00


Valuations Valuation for reserve contribution purposes under the Development Contributions Policy. This fee will include the actual cost of obtaining the valuation from a Council appointed valuer, any administrative charges and additional costs such as arbitration.  As Incurred  Actual Cost 

Encumbrance Monitoring 

The terms of the Encumbrance Instrument entitle Council to recover actual and reasonable costs to monitor the Encumbrance and acknowledge compliance with it     
Encumbrance monitoring fee Set Fee Per Annum  No Charge 
Monitoring costs to address non-compliance of terms of encumbrance As Incurred Actual Cost

Requests for Private Plan Changes/ Variations 

An additional charge to recover actual and reasonable costs will be made where the costs exceed the fixed initial deposit charge. Additional charges may be invoiced on a monthly basis as they are incurred. Should the processing costs not reach the fixed charge paid, a refund will be provided.  Fixed Initial Deposit Charge $15,000.00