Publicly Notified Resource Consents

Resource consents that are publicly notified and open to submissions are detailed below. Also on this page are the steps to follow if you would like to make a submission, and the details for any scheduled hearings.

Make a submission

Submissions must be received before the submission closing date (the date will be specified in the public notice). 

If you would like to make a submission, please use the form below.

Submission form for notified resource consents

Submissions can be emailed to us, otherwise posted or delivered to one of our Council offices - go here for contact details.


Scheduled resource consent hearings

Detailed here are all upcoming hearings.

You can also view any application on Consent Tracker by searching using the address or RMA number. 

Resource Consent

Time and Place


[RMA ref., Applicant]

[Date & Time, Place]
