Mixed Recycling Bin | Hangarua
Our rubbish and recycling services include a mixed recycling bin | hangarua.
What can go into this bin?
✓ Flattened paper, cardboard, newspapers, magazines and clean/empty pizza boxes.
✓ Plastic bottles and containers numbered 1, 2 & 5
- Number 1 plastics: soft drink, juice, and water bottles
- Number 2 plastics: milk bottles, bathroom product bottles and laundry product bottles
- Number 5 plastics: large yoghurt and ice cream tubs, margarine/butter tubs
✓ Tins and cans
What can't go into this bin?
Any of the following items will contaminate our recycling process:
✖ Lids
✖ Glass
✖ Plastics 3,4,6 and 7
✖ Vaping gear
✖ Polystyrene
✖ Soft plastics
✖ Takeaway coffee cups
✖ Milk & juice cartons
✖ Compostable items
✖ Nappies & sanitary items
✖ Batteries & e-waste
✖ Aerosol cans
✖ Medical waste
When is the mixed recycling bin | hangarua collected?
The mixed recycling bin | hangarua is collected fortnightly.
Check out your collection schedule.
How is it paid for?
Your mixed recycling collection is paid for through a solid waste targeted rate. This makes it easier for all households to participate in waste reduction, resulting in less household waste going to landfill.