Putting Your Bins Out


When to put your bins out

Your locality has be allocated a bin collection day.

One week it’ll be a red week where your rubbish bin and your food scraps bin get collected.

The following week will be a yellow week where your mixed recycling bin, glass crate and food scraps bin will get collected.

When is my bin day?

Find out your collection schedule here.

Every year we organise extra collections over the summer holiday season in  areas where there is significant increase in visitor numbers and we’ll be publicising these widely.

Handy tip: To reduce the possibility of bins blowing over in winds, or contamination from passers-by, please don't put your bins out the day before. Instead put your bin(s) out on your collection day, by 7.30am.

How to put your bins out

✓ Please keep lids closed and don’t overfill bins.

✓ Place bins with the logo facing towards the road.

✓ Put them as close as possible to the kerb with about 30cm between each bin so the trucks can pick them up.

✓ Put the handle of the food scraps bin up at a 90 degree angle to 'lock' it to protect against it being opened by the wind or animals

✓ When fixing your Pay As You Throw tag on your rubbish bin, please make sure it attaches to both the red lid handle and the black bin handle. Find out more here.

If you’re in a flat, cul-de-sac or shared driveway, talk to your neighbours about where you can put your bins. Sometimes it may mean putting your bin outside a neighbour's property.

Which bins need a pay-as-you-throw (PAYT) tag?

Only our rubbish bin | para needs a PAYT tag to be collected. All other bins will be collected as long as you put them out correctly. 

How do I attach the PAYT Tag 

Please note: when you put our your food scraps bin kerbside, please move the handle to the upright position to 'lock' it. 

Correct food waste position.jpg