Road Safety
State Highway 25 is 270km of winding and hilly roads with 983 curves, give or take a few.
Our Road Safety Co-Ordinator, Ingrid Le Fevre, and Thames Police Officer, Constable Catherine Sell, have been working together to promote an awareness of the road safety campaign 'Stay Alive On 25.’ In their roles they both saw too many people being injured or killed in their area, and they want to reduce the risk of people suffering from the trauma that crashes cause.
“The number of road users on SH25 is increasing and we don’t want the number of crashes to follow,” says Constable Catherine Sell. “Every serious crash has a traumatic effect on victims and their families. We don’t want to see any more families missing their loved ones on their holidays.”
High risk driver behaviour such as crossing the centerline and overtaking in unsafe places cause 93% of all serious and fatal crashes on the Coromandel loop.
"Stay Alive on 25 is a simple campaign about the basics," says Ms Le Fevre. "Keep to your side of the road, drive to the conditions, slow down on our winding roads, keep your water bottle in the car, stay off your cell phone, plan your trip with rest stops and stay safe."
The campaign targets road users by creating awareness of the challenges SH25 presents. It also highlights the importance of taking regular breaks from driving.
"Summer is always busy across our district so congestion and delays are inevitable in peak times,” says Ms Le Fevre. “But if everyone leaves plenty of time for their journey, drives to the conditions and plans ahead before leaving home, the worst of the frustrations can be eased, and everyone can concentrate on arriving safely. We want people to reach their destinations safely.”
Cycle Skills
We have a skilled team offering free cycle courses for adults. If you've got your own bike and helmet and want to increase your bike riding confidence, sign up for one of the regularly scheduled courses. There are courses across Thames-Coromandel, Hauraki and Matamata-Piako districts.
Spaces are limited – phone 07 868 0200 to register your interest and one of our instructors will be in touch.
Session covers:
- Learn what ‘Pedal ready’ means
- How to stay safe when you're cycling
- What to look for to check your bike is roadworthy
- Designed for adults who can ride a bike
More information

School Crossings
We have a number of these around the Coromandel district, please look out for children and reduce your speed close to schools. The crossings generally only operate before and after school, 8-9am and 3-4pm these are run by trained school children. The crossing has swing arms that come into the middle of the road from both sides to allow a safe area for children to cross.
Remember children are little people, they can't see as much as adults. Please be patient and slow your speed around schools, thank you.
20km Past a School Bus
20kph is the legal limit that you must do past a school bus from BOTH directions, please slow down when you see a school bus. For further information on school bus signs, check out the New Zealand Road Code.
Plan B4 U Party
An education awareness campaign to encourage people to plan before they party, supported by most local drinking establishments, bottle stores and campgrounds across East Waikato.
Get Involved with SADD
SADD is a peer education programme that has been in New Zealand for over 20 years. The primary objective of SADD is to reduce the harm caused on our roads by drink drivers. The peer education programme is run in secondary schools by students and can be incorporated into the school curriculum. The organisation is open to any student and SADD encourages participation from across the year levels.
For more information, check out the SADD website.
Watch out for stock
With share milkers moving herds in early June, you never know what is around the next corner. Stock can be spooked at night and get out, so drive carefully as they are unpredictable and can run out into traffic.
Young Drivers
Drive is a FREE, online driving programme that will help you pass your restricted licence test. It's all about you getting out on the road, driving. Drive has online videos, tips and advice on how to improve your driving while you're doing your supervised hours. Check it out at
Motorcycle Information
Ride Forever is ACC’s subsidised rider training programme with courses available for all skill levels, from beginner to elite. So to take up this opportunity.
For future information regarding 'Pump up your Ride' check out reduce the risk.
The Southern Coromandel Loop continues to be a favourite with motorcyclists, as the rugged terrain presents a combination of real challenge and beautiful vistas. NZTA has prepared some advice to make sure motorcyclists get the most out of the loop, while not putting themselves or anyone else at risk.