Waitangi ki Whitianga is an alcohol-, smoke- and drug-free event made possible with support from Mānatu Taonga/Ministry of Culture and Heritage, Hauraki Te Puna Hauora Matua o Hauraki/Hauraki Primary Health Organisation and our Council.

Find out more here
Have a great Waitangi weekend
Plan ahead to ensure a safe journey this Waitangi weekend.
Check the latest traffic conditions on state highways at journeys.nzta.govt.nz/holiday-journeys.
We also keep our website up to date with local road closures—be sure to check it out before you leave: www.tcdc.govt.nz/RoadConditions.
Let’s make this a safe and enjoyable weekend for everyone on the road.
Rubbish and recycling kerbside collections
There are no delays to kerbside collections this week despite the public holiday. Waste Management have a collection team operating on Waitangi Day, Thursday 6 February. Reminders of the daily schedules are here www.tcdc.govt.nz/bindays
Our Refuse and Recycling Transfer Stations will also be open on Waitangi Day.
Next week, starting Monday 10 January, we are back to usual with our yellow and red alternate system resuming (or continuing for the wider Thames area). It starts with yellow week – you can put out your yellow recycling wheelie bin, your food scraps bin and your blue crate for glass. Again, your collection calendars are here www.tcdc.govt.nz/bindays.
SH26 Onetai Stream Bridge replacement and detour
On Monday 10 February, the Onetai Stream Bridge between Hikutaia and Pūriri will be closed for up to four weeks while the bridge is being replaced. This work is being undertaken by New Zealand Transport Agency | Waka Kotahi.
The detour will be clearly signposted. Northbound traffic will use State Highway 2, Orchard and Bush roads and SH25. Southbound traffic will use SH25, Hauraki Road and SH2.
More information
Pohutukawa Grove Ford upgrade
We're upgrading the Pohutukawa Grove ford on Port Jackson Road. Our team will replace a section of the concrete within the ford.
What you need to know:
Date: Work will take place from Monday 10 February for four days.
Traffic management: Expect 50-minute Stop/Stop controls, with vehicles allowed through on the hour.
Cyclist access: Cyclists will be allowed through when safe to do so.
District Events Fund opens for 2025 applications
Are you organising an event with the potential to make waves in the Coromandel? The District Events Fund is now open for applications, offering support to events that showcase the region and drive economic and social wellbeing.
If your event can attract domestic and international tourists, engage our holiday homeowners, and take place outside the busy summer months, it could be eligible for funding.
What the Fund supports
The District Events Fund prioritises events that:
- Boost the economy: demonstrate the ability to attract visitor spending and increase off-peak or shoulder-season activity
- Enhance community vibrancy: bring energy and excitement to the district, offering opportunities for fun and connection
- Promote safety and a sense of place: showcase Coromandel as a safe, welcoming region with a strong identity
- Raise the region's profile: attract attention through regional and national media, enticing visitors to explore Coromandel’s unique offerings.
To be considered, your event should aim to attract at least 2,000 visitor days or equivalent economic impact and align with the fund criteria.
How to apply
If you’re sure your event fits the criteria of this fund, you can find all information on applying here.
Applications close Friday 28 February 2025.
Need Help?
Reach out to our District Events and Experiences Coordinator, Kirstin Scarrott, on 07 868 0200 or via email at Kirstin.scarrott@tcdc.govt.nz.
Find out more
Funding applications now open for local creative projects

Learn more and apply here
Have your say: It’s submission season
Parliament's decisions affect all New Zealanders. Have your say and influence the laws passed by Parliament by getting involved and making a submission. Several key legislative changes are open for public input.
Current opportunities to submit
Local Government (Water Services) Bill: Express your opinions on the amendment of existing provisions in the Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA) relating to infrastructure and energy, housing growth, farming and the primary sector, natural hazards and emergencies, and system improvements.
Resource Management (Consenting and Other System Changes) Amendment Bill: Share your thoughts on how these changes will impact planning and environmental management in your region.
Other local issues: Our Council will be consulting on many important issues in the next few months. Keep an eye out for consultations specific to our district on our website.
Submissions are often quick to complete and every contribution counts. Let’s work together to ensure our region’s needs and values are reflected in the decisions that shape our future.
Visit the Parliament submissions page for more