Land Information Memorandum (LIM)

Thinking of buying a property? Our Council can provide a variety of information about properties.

What is a LIM?

A report on what the Council knows about the land and buildings.

When should I get one?

Before buying a property.

How long does it take?

The local Government Official Information and Meetings Act specifies that LIMs must be completed within 10 working days.  

We will begin processing your submission the following working day after payment has been verified.

What will it tell me?

A LIM will include information from Council files on matters affecting the land such as:

  • Potential erosion, falling debris, sinking, slipping, silting or build up of land, flooding or hazardous pollutants
  • Private and public drains for water, storm water and sewerage
  • The property’s rating valuation and rates levied for the current year, including water rates where applicable
  • The property’s zone
  • Any designated land use which may affect the property
  • Any information submitted to the Council by a statutory organisation or network utility operator, e.g. power and gas suppliers, related to the site
  • Any certificates issued by a building certifier
  • Any other information held by our Council that may be relevant.
What won’t it tell me?
  • A LIM will not provide full details of building restrictions applying to a site
  • If you’re intending to buy a property for development, it’s likely that Resource and Building Consents will be required. Our staff can discuss your proposal with you before you commit to a purchase
  • The Council cannot guarantee the accuracy of the information held on file. If you have any queries, you should talk to us or seek independent professional advice.
How do I get one?
  1. Fill out a LIM application form(PDF, 123KB);
  2. Take the completed application to one of our offices and pay the fee; or
  3. Email your completed form to and pay online.

Our bank account and details are pre-loaded with all major New Zealand banks. Search for us on your bank’s list of pre-approved payees (usually a dropdown list in alphabetical order).

If you can't find us as a "payee" on your internet banking website, here are our bank details if you want to create a regular bill payment or do a one-off payment online.

Credit cards are not accepted for LIMs payments at present

Bank Account Number: 01-0455-0090620-00
Name: Thames-Coromandel District Council

Details needed when paying LIM Payments
LIM Payments What information do you need to insert Example
Particulars State the word LIM LIM
Code (Optional Only) Your surname or the surname of the person that you are paying on behalf of. Jones
Reference (Optional Only) The street name that the payment relates to (no property number is required) Gavin Dr