Find your Coromandel Cure, SH25A celebrations and employment support
Published on 30 November 2023
Celebrations for the reopening of Taparahi/SH25A
We’re really excited about the reopening of State Highway 25A and understand it’s an occasion our communities are keen to celebrate.
We’re working with Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency and stakeholders on how to best coordinate initiatives across the Coromandel to celebrate the reopening. Please contact Rachael White at our Council to talk through any ideas you have:
For safety reasons, there can’t be opening activities at the new bridge site or along the road as it will remain an active worksite after the road is reopened.
Bridge update from Waka Kotahi NZTA

Last week the team began the process of securing the side barriers to the bridge deck. By last Friday, 31 of the 48 concrete ‘stitch’ pours had been completed, with the remainder to be done this week. The steel rails that run along the top of the concrete barriers will be delivered to site shortly and installed next week.
On the eastern approach to the bridge, the team stabilised the basecourse layer for the new pavement and have been installing the stormwater u-channels.
On the western approach the team installed the bridge expansion joint, poured the knock-off block and started work on reinstating the road to connect to the new bridge.
Mesh is now being installed to stabilise the top steep section of the slip face, and work continues with drainage works below the bridge.
Tapu-Coroglen reopening on track for early December

On Tapu-Coroglen Road, Kelsey Construction is progressing well.
The delays caused by Cyclone Lola and site vandalism have been made up by the contractors on site and (weather dependent) we anticipate having the route open by Friday 8 December, earlier than originally expected.
The route will remain closed to all vehicles over 12.6 metres in length and is not an approved diversion route for the closure on State Highway 25A.
Destination Hauraki Coromandel launches 'The Coromandel Cure'

For their latest campaign, Destination Hauraki Coromandel hired a researcher to show how a holiday in The Coromandel is good for your soul and can improve your wellbeing.
The results showed that a getaway to the Coromandel reduced stress and anxiety and left participants feeling significantly more relaxed and rested.
They've called it The Coromandel Cure – scientifically proven to be good for your soul. Regular doses are recommended to maximise wellbeing benefits.
The campaign has started with nation-wide publicity, featuring on The Project last night. They have campaign advertising rolling out from today, with their website being an amazing resource of activities, events, and experiences available in our region.
Download the handy new travel app for the Coromandel

Destination Hauraki Coromandel have also just launched an app, to make travelling around the Coromandel as stress-free as possible. It is designed to help locals and visitors enjoy all the things they love about our region.
The app updates in real-time so users know that the information on road status, tide times and weather forecasts is current and all in one place.
Users can relax and immerse themselves fully in our region's natural beauty and cultural richness. The app also has information on handy things like rubbish collection, boat ramps and permits.
Training initiatives for businesses – support after the cyclone and beyond

Mana in Mahi
Mana in Mahi is a one-year programme that connects employers with people who are keen to work and learn and need some additional support. There’s financial support to get their career started. It’s for people of any age who need more support to get long-term, sustainable work and gain a recognised industry qualification, and employers who want to help develop those skills.
The job must pay at least the adult minimum wage and must be permanent, part-time, or full time. The employee’s training pathway must include a formal qualification – an NZQA approved qualification (Level 2 or above).
Employers and employees can get financial support for up to 12 months, which could include:
- Up to $18,400 (GST inclusive).
- Up to $9,200 (GST inclusive) towards an industry training course.
- Up to $2,300 (GST inclusive) for pre-employment training.
Your employee will have access to incentive payments while in training.
Mana in Mahi is run by the Ministry of Social Development – contact
Developing careers with Service IQ
ServiceIQ is a company that helps employers around the country to build great businesses, and employees develop great careers, with top skills gained from on-job training programmes. They bring programmes to the Coromandel including hospitality, chef, food, and beverage career pathways.
What is on-job training?
On-job training takes place in your workplace. It means that your employees gain essential skills and knowledge while they are working. It benefits both your business and your employees.
Your people learn the specific skills for your business and, by upskilling in the real work environment, they gain the know-how plus proven experience to solve problems, meet challenges and deal with tasks that they will face day-to-day. Your people also get the satisfaction of earning while they learn, and gaining a national qualification.
It’s also highly cost effective: you can increase productivity while retaining well-trained and qualified people, and save time and money by not having to send your staff off-site to upskill.
What's on?

Our local business associations are hosting a series of local summer events, supported by our Council's Recovery Fund. Here's what's coming up:
Mercury Bay Business Association
Thames Business Association
Enterprise Whangamatā and Tairua Business Association
Exciting Pāuanui
Looking after your mental health in the aftermath of a natural disaster

The Mental Health Foundation have put together resources to help people cope after the natural disasters that have occurred this year.
Everyone responds differently in these situations and at their own pace. It’s important to remember that feeling all sorts of emotions in difficult situations is normal and human.
Unexpected and scary events can also make us feel like we have little control. If you’re feeling out of sorts right now, there are things you can do to regain that sense of control and improve your wellbeing.
You can read through interviews, advice, and tips – including resources tailored for rural communities and in a range of accessible formats.
Keep up to date with the latest news, events and opportunities by signing up to our Council's email newsletter.