Ex-Cyclone Hale aftermath, Annual Plan 2023/24 Consultation and more

Published on 13 January 2023

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Welcome to the weekly wrap-up of our latest Council project news, important dates and information about what's happening in our district.

Thanks from Mayor Len

I want to pass on my gratitude and thanks to Council staff, contractors, emergency services, whānau and volunteers, along with everyone else involved in managing what has been an intense weather week with Ex-Cyclone Hale hitting the Coromandel.

Yesterday our Chief Executive Aileen Lawrie and Garry Towler our Emergency Management Lead and other staff travelled along our eastern seaboard and did rapid assessments of the damage.

I spent the week in Thames working with the team on managing this event, and returned to Whitianga yesterday where I met with members of the Mercury Bay Boating Club and inspected other parts of the foreshore. The damage is extensive and will come with significant costs.

I’ve written to Emergency Management Minister Kieran McAnulty seeking financial assistance from the government, as we need to lessen the impact on ratepayers as much as possible.  As an example, we had a rain event in November last year that cost the district just over $1 million in repairs.

Given that Hale has been classified as a one in 20-year event, this will have a much larger financial impact.

As well as managing this weather event from an operational perspective, it’s also generated a lot of media attention and social media comment – some of the latter has been pretty negative and not based on facts. Some of those opinions have been that Council isn’t acting fast enough to “get things done”, like putting in hard structures immediately to protect some parts of our coast. While we appreciate that people would like us to repair everything straightaway, it’s not always that simple.

Here some facts:

  • The priority in extreme weather events is protecting public utilities, hospitals, schools and lives.
  • Emergency works provisions under the RMA only apply for public works and public utilities.
  • Putting in hard structures comes with significant costs, and our communities need to be consulted about how those structures will be paid for. We can’t do this alone and rely on rates. We need regional and central government support – both financial and with planning and consenting.
  • Installing hard structures can come with serious implications, such as loss of beach area and end scouring which affects other sensitive parts of the coastline. These effects have to be carefully considered, and our communities have to be consulted before such serious steps are taken.
  • Our Shoreline Management Pathways tcdc.govt.nz/smp has been a three-year project where we’ve worked with communities to identify vulnerable parts of our coast and how our communities want these areas to be managed – hard or soft structures, managed retreat or do nothing.  When certain “triggers” happen along parts of the coast that's when implementation will occur.
  • In the case of the Mercury Bay Boat Club, (a private building on land leased from Council), we have been working for some time, and will continue to work proactively with the Club - to re-site the building. 
  • When our local roads and state highways are closed for several days, there may be areas that can’t have their rubbish collected because the trucks just can’t get through. Please be patient and know it will get collected.

Getting things done isn’t easy. What I can say is that we’ll continue to work with agencies and our communities so that the best possible use of our resources is made – and also that I am here to listen to you. Email me len.salt@tcdc.govt.nz

Hale leaves long tail of aftermath in our district

Ex-Cyclone Hale has left significant damage along the East coast, especially between Cooks Beach and Matarangi. 

Our Council’s staff and contractors have done an initial assessment and we’ve already started urgent repairs and clean up. We need to prioritise what gets fixed, and when. 

While no exact cost figures are confirmed yet, we expect the bill to repair the coastal areas from ex-Cyclone Hale will run into 'serious' six figures. We’ve already made a start removing debris, and fixing and fencing off infrastructure and assets along the coast that pose health and safety risks or have been damaged and are unsafe to use.
The weather forecast for later next week does show another swell event, so we’ve decided to wait until Monday before starting to reshape the beach accessways, when we have more certainty around that event. Visit the MetService website here to keep an eye on the forecast.

Please be patient and drive carefully on our roads

All roads in Thames-Coromandel have been reopened, with no communities isolated.

Several roads have stop-go traffic management in place or temporary speed restrictions. Great care is advised on all roads. Further tree falls and slips can occur due to waterlogged ground. 

Our staff and contractors will still be on the local roads clearing debris and repairing damage for some time, and some areas may still suffer damage as the soils move while drying out.

Some of the larger areas will require deeper investigation and longer term repairs in the future.

Please be patient and drive carefully, and if you see anything on our local roads, let us know on 07 868 0200 or email service.desk@tcdc.co.nz. For State Highways, contact 0800 4 HIGHWAYS (0800 44 44 49). 

Check journeys.nzta.govt.nz/traffic for updates to State Highway conditions and tcdc.govt.nz/roads for local roads.


Kerbside Collections & Refuse Transfer Stations

During the severe weather, for the safety of our customers and our contractor and due to a number of road closures, we made the decision to cancel several kerbside collections and close some refuse transfer stations on Tuesday 10 and Wednesday 11 January.

We appreciate the support shown to our staff and contractor during this challenging time.

Weather permitting, collections will be back to normal next week. We’d like to remind people not to put their bags, bins and crates out the night before, and instead place them kerbside the morning of collection by 7.30am.

Please keep an eye on our Facebook page and web pages for any alerts regarding services.

Macrocarpa Reserve

As a result of the effects of ex-tropical Cyclone Hale, our Council is in discussion with the Mercury Bay Boating Club about allowing the club to utilise Macrocarpa Reserve for the youth sailing programme, on a temporary basis.

This would include the temporary siting of a shipping container on the reserve for the club to operate out of.

The youth sailing programme has been a huge success for the club, and with such a fantastic show of support from the community over the last week, our Council is happy to be able to provide this alternate location for the programme to operate out of while the club continues progressing their plans for relocating the club building. 

Macrocarpa Reserve is still open to the public, however we ask the public to be mindful of the temporary boating club use and for everyone to be considerate of others during this time. 

Former Deputy Mayor Peter French passes away

Former Deputy Mayor and Thames Councillor Peter French passed away on 26 December 2022, a well-respected and much-admired member of our Coromandel community.

Peter served our district between 2010 to 2016. During his time with our Council, he helped with many projects and achievements including the development of the Hauraki Rail Trail, the Coromandel Harbour project, the WW Memorial Forest project, Whitianga Town Centre upgrade and the development of a coastal walk extending further from Cathedral Cove.

Peter was also a passionate advocate of addressing the broadband and cellphone coverage issues around our district. He realised it was a safety issue at the time, with black spots on our state highways, and thought it was important for the future economic development of the Coromandel.

A classic car enthusiast, Peter also wanted our Council to think about long-term sustainability, including electric cars for our Council fleet, which has recently been implemented.

Keeping the Coromandel's natural environment preserved for future generations was also an important driver for Peter.

“Peter made a huge contribution to the district in all his roles. His focus on community and meaningful outcomes made a huge difference for our local communities,” says our Mayor Len Salt.

“His calm, strong manner and thoughtful, considered insights played an important and integral part in Council’s decision making and direction. He was an essential member of the Council team who was well respected. Our thoughts are with Peter’s wife Linda and family,” says Mayor Len.

A private family committal has taken place. A Celebration Memorial Service of Peter's life will be held on Friday 20 January, 1pm at the Thames War Memorial Civic Centre. 

Annual Plan 2023/24 Consultation

Changes in our kerbside rubbish collection this year, when a different provider takes over our solid waste services, is one of the big issues we’ll be publicly consulting on as part of developing our 2023-2024 Annual Plan.

From 1 September 2023 the blue rubbish bags are going to be replaced with wheelie bins and we’ll also be introducing a kerbside household food waste collection.

How these changes are funded is currently being developed as part of the process of our Annual Plan, which sets out our project delivery and budgets for the next financial year (1 July 2023-30 June 2024).

Our Annual Plan 2023/24 is year three of our 2021-2031 Long Term Plan (LTP). There will be public consultation to get your feedback on any changes that are significantly different to what we forecast in our LTP for 2023/24.

Public consultation is scheduled for March/April this year, and we’ll deliberate on submissions at our 17 May meeting.

The final Annual Plan 2023/24 will be adopted at our Council’s meeting on 28 June.

Your Coromandel Tracks and Trails Guide

The updated edition of our popular Tracks and Trails Guide is now available free from information centres, public libraries and Council offices.

The guide outlines a variety of walks and cycle trails across the district for all fitness levels. The mix of locations includes harbour and river margins, heritage town centres, playgrounds, busy working wharves and the Coromandel's famous sandy beaches.

Most of the walks are short, easy excursions near our town centres, rather than more strenuous tramping routes. You can also check out mountain biking and cycling trails, ranging from family-friendly easy experiences to harder mountain biking trails.

The online version can be downloaded at tcdc.govt.nz/Tracksandtrails

What's on in the Coromandel? 

With the long weekends approaching, make sure you have your tickets for Beach Break in Whangamatā (Auckland Anniversary weekend - 28 January) and Whitianga’s Greenstone Summer Concert (Waitangi weekend, 5 February).

Beach Break: The mighty Shapeshifter launches a brand new summer festival series with a new must-do one-day festival for the Auckland Anniversary holiday makers in the beautiful Coromandel this coming 28 January at Williamson Park, Whangamatā.

Greenstone Summer Concert: Four fantastic international acts will star – ZZ Top, Pat Benatar & Neil Girlado, Stone Temple Pilots and The Angels.

Go to tcdc.govt.nz/events for further details.

Boat ramps payment

Boaties, don't forget there’s a smarter way to pay for launching and trailer parking at ramps where fees apply.
Simply scan the QR code with your smartphone, camera or Google Lens and follow the easy prompts to pay – right at the ramp.
Find out more at tcdc.govt.nz/boatramps.

Upcoming meetings

Our Council will be holding its first  meeting of the year on Thursday 26 January.

The Community Board meetings will start next month, February.

Keep an eye on our meetings page for the agenda and minutes closer to the time. 

Summer rules

Click the image for further details.

Work with us - job opportunities currently available with our Council

Check out our latest job vacancies here.


Our Coromandel Magazine


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